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Youtube but not the videos
Oh... Oh dear lord. Hey everybody, welcome a new brilliant feature that is not going to get abused in any way possible. Seriously, watch the whole video. It just keeps escalating.
"Just-a you remember, that you keep paying that protection money, and Mr. Google don't have-ta find out about this,"
This is going to end badly. I just know it.
Does anyone else have a vision that this will be used by trolls to flag everything they see that they don't like?
This has to be because children are so easily triggered in college. Yes, I do mean people who are 17-19 as children since they can handle their shit.
I do think Vimeo seems like it has the most potential to take over now.
My roommate and Coworker just had a meeting last night for this year's recording season and got the whole format figured out. Then I see this crap.
Our new plan? Record one more video for youtube that breaks all of the terms that are now being forced as a way to say we quit youtube. (Wearing nothing but a towel, loads of swearing, talking crap about the presidential election, everything we can think of)
Yes they can do whatever they want, but they are digging their own hole.
(09-22-2016, 01:45 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote: Oh... Oh dear lord. Hey everybody, welcome a new brilliant feature that is not going to get abused in any way possible. Seriously, watch the whole video. It just keeps escalating.

Since this is a Youtube Thread, i'm just going to react with a youtube video:
The worst part is, the more you make claims the more points you get. They aren't just making this a thing, they are enforcing it and giving people incentive to use it even more just to get to that other level.

That one reward tier is hilarious, though: a channel through which to speak with real YouTube people. That's something about 90% of even the more popular tubers don't get. So all these years making the company money and keeping their site floating they are getting a big middle finger and all the trolls that have made the site such a cesspool of racism and hate are getting a pat on the back and a lollipop to suck on.
How soon until people begin to rip up this new policy into pieces with rant videos on how its a bad idea?
(09-22-2016, 04:43 PM)CLXcool Wrote: How soon until people begin to rip up this new policy into pieces with rant videos on how its a bad idea?

Those popped up sooner than you (or I) could have expected, that's for sure.

Yeah, its been happening since it was announced.
Its now officially a mad house on whoever is working for youtube to approve such a stupid choice like this. I'm skeptical about uploading ANYTHING on there now.
As much as I'm annoyed at this whole affair, I still have an irresistible urge to slap YouTubers who insist on putting their ugly mugs pulling a face on the video thumbnail.
Severe backpfeifengesicht.
Congratulations, YouTube. You've somehow managed to tarnish your reputation with censorship even further.
Off topic from what you guys are talking about, but I wish there was a way to help filter out some of the more disturbing videos that can pop up in suggestions.

After watching a video of a pug eating a butterfly I do not need to see a kid with some butterfly disease who has skin so delicate it comes off at the slightest touch. The thumbnail showed him with these awful sores.

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