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TimeO: The Failed Ghostbusters Game
The first attempt at a next gen Ghostbusters Video Game came from ZootFly. They released Xbox 360 gameplay footage and images showcasing their work in progress. Unfortunately ZootFly did not get permission for the Ghostbusters license. Sony requested that they remove all footage of the game from the internet because they didn't have the proper license.

Since they didn't want to scrap the game altogether, they removed all of the Ghostbusters related material, reworked the story, and changed the title of the game to TimeO. Unfortunately, the game has been stuck in Development Hell since 2007 and will not likely see a release.

ZootFly's Ghostbusters Game

The Gameplay Footage:

Images from Early Development:

(notice the Locust in the lightning)
[Image: 2rng6qs.jpg]

[Image: ZootflyGBgamePeter01.png]

[Image: ZootflyGBgameEcto203.png]

TimeO Trailer:


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