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Myth Makers: Trixie in Toyland, Anubis II, Ninjabread Man & Rock 'n' Roll Adventures
The games Myth Makers: Trixie in Toyland, Anubis II, Ninjabread Man & Rock 'n' Roll Adventures, all of which were developed by UK studio Data Design Interactive, are all near identical games which reuse the same models but with different skins.

Myth Makers: Trixie in Toyland

Anubis II

Ninjabread Man

Rock 'n' Roll Adventures

Whilst some of the levels vary in design, the layouts of the tutorial levels are identical. The enemies are the same but made to fit with the theme of the games and the music is mostly the same carried over.

Also from what I understand, this wasn't the only game that Data Design Interactive developed and released multiple times but with different skins.
I knew Ninjabread Man and Anubis II were the same game (both of wich I forgot about untill you brought them up) but I never knew about these other games. Shovelwere at it's finest.
I know you probbly saw this already, but in case you missed it, the grumps played a little of Ninjabread Man and talked about how it's just a reskin.


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