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The Third Degree - Arjahn
I guess it wouldn't count then since I was 6.
I don't know then. There's probably something but I'm liable to forget many things.

1. I don't think I understand but I like money.
2. The subject I like the least are usually ones I am actually good at, where I know that I am not improving. Meaningless filler is a killer.
3. I play all of my games legally and only use alternative methods to play my games when needing to stream, or if the game in question is broken.
4. I was 1 or 2 questions off from officially being licensed as a graphics designer by Adobe. I'd have liked to get a few more of those questions right. Actually, that could apply for awkward thing as well. There ya go.
Where in the world would you like to go?

Are there any TV/Movie based games that you don't mind?

Kirk or Picard?

Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy?

Best Pokemon Generation, Main character(s), Rival, and Gym/Gym Leader?

If you could live in any fictional land(Narnia, Moldor, Planet of the Daleks, ECT) where would you live?

If you had a fictional devise (Portal Gun, Hover Bike, T.A.R.D.I.S, Lightsaber, ECT), what would you have? (you may have three)

If peter piper picked a peck of pickled woodchucks chucking seashells she sold by the seashore, how much is a lemming?

How much is that doggie in the window?

What would you do for love?
If you could hang out with one video game character, who would it be?

I am Groot (what would you rate Guardians of the Galaxy and is it in your Top 10 list of super fantastic happy fun time movies of all time?)

What's one thing you enjoy doing but suck at?

If you could improve one game series, which would you choose?
(08-07-2014, 07:41 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: Where in the world would you like to go?

Are there any TV/Movie based games that you don't mind?

Kirk or Picard?

Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy?

Best Pokemon Generation, Main character(s), Rival, and Gym/Gym Leader?

If you could live in any fictional land(Narnia, Moldor, Planet of the Daleks, ECT) where would you live?

If you had a fictional devise (Portal Gun, Hover Bike, T.A.R.D.I.S, Lightsaber, ECT), what would you have? (you may have three)

If peter piper picked a peck of pickled woodchucks chucking seashells she sold by the seashore, how much is a lemming?

How much is that doggie in the window?

What would you do for love?
The National Treasury

The original Punisher one was pretty decent and you guys know I'm a sucker for DBZ and Yu-Gi-Oh! games.


Dragon Quest because I think that Final Fantasy has strayed too far from its original formula without significant reason or improvements that don't outright warrant a new series with a different name.

Gen 3, Gold, N, Whitney.

The land where adult movies take place.

Mass Mind Control Device. Teleportation device, Cloaking Device.

Uh... It depends if it has one of my shirt designs on it.

That doggie is on sale for 2.10 per pound. It expires soon.

Depends on the love.

(08-07-2014, 09:24 PM)TheTrueBoss997 Wrote: If you could hang out with one video game character, who would it be?

I am Groot (what would you rate Guardians of the Galaxy and is it in your Top 10 list of super fantastic happy fun time movies of all time?)

What's one thing you enjoy doing but suck at?

If you could improve one game series, which would you choose?

I want to talk to the director of the X-Com program.

I don't like favorites. It was definitely a good movie though.

Hearthstone, Yu-Gi-Oh!, drawing, X-Com, Starcraft, 3D fighting games, most online first person shooters.

Spore. I'm still salty about that game.
Let's keep this rollin' -- TheTrueBoss997, your turn!

1. What would you remove from this generation of consoles?
2. Movie that you can not stand seeing?
3. Besides Wyatt, who is the next favourite wrestler?
1. Xbox One for sure
2. The Star Wars prequels
3. Currently I would have to say my second favorite is Dean Ambrose, guy is doing very well with his promos and in ring ability. My favorite wrestler overall is a tie between CM Punk, Brock Lesnar and Stone Cold Steve Austin
1. Who's your favorite member of the forum?
2. Why is it Arjahn?
3. Do you have a beard?
4. Why/Why not?
5. What's your favorite novel?
6. If you could punch any one living person in the face on national television, who would it be and why is it Arjahn?
You have to make a model of Mega Man with foodstuffs. What items to you buy at the grocery store?
Which is better: Hamburger or BLT?
Why am I so hungry?
(08-09-2014, 11:21 PM)Arjahn Wrote: 1. Who's your favorite member of the forum?
2. Why is it Arjahn?
3. Do you have a beard?
4. Why/Why not?
5. What's your favorite novel?
6. If you could punch any one living person in the face on national television, who would it be and why is it Arjahn?

1. I don't like to chose favorites among everyone on the forums but if I had to chose one member though it would be SERIOUSLY THOUGH.
2. But I thought I chose.... oh, I chose Arjahn because he is a goddamn level 99 chicken!! It's impossible for anyone to not chose him as your favorite forum member.
3. No
4. It didn't appear on my face yet
5. Probably the auto biography of a wrestler named Edge
6. I'd be doing the world a favor if I punched Justin Bieber.

(08-10-2014, 05:56 AM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: You have to make a model of Mega Man with foodstuffs. What items to you buy at the grocery store?
Which is better: Hamburger or BLT?
Why am I so hungry?

1. Most likely ground meat. Serve it with some mashed potatoes and you got the MEGA MEAL.
2. Hamburgers FTW!!
3. Because you haven't had the Mega Meal yet.
1. Can I eat your flesh?
2. Are you Groot?
3. What would you like on a shirt?
4. How did that guy sneak a rocking chair into a wrestling stadium?
5. If you're the true boss, then why are there at least 996 other "true" bosses?
(08-10-2014, 01:49 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: 1. Can I eat your flesh?
2. Are you Groot?
3. What would you like on a shirt?
4. How did that guy sneak a rocking chair into a wrestling stadium?
5. If you're the true boss, then why are there at least 996 other "true" bosses?

1. Sure you can but it's gonna cost ya
2. We are Groot
3. I would like a shirt that says: Adachi 3:16
4. People have drove down the wrestling ramp in motorcycles and expensive cars so I my guess is it that security cares about the kind of sign you have rather than what you bring down the wrestling ramp
5. We're a elite clan of bosses that tell the truth, I was the 997 member that joined.
Welp, looks like this died down again. In that case, CosmykTheDolfyn, you're up!

1. What are the originals of your name?
2. Any relation to Psychospacecow, our forums other astronomical animal?
3. What's your nationality?
4. What single post of these forums are you the most proud of?
5. Favorite handheld RPG?
1. Why can't you spell your name right?
2. Mandolin or Kazoo?
3. If a man started beating you with a fish, what would you do?
1. Are you familiar with pelvic sorcery?
2. What do you want on a shirt?
3. *Makes Dolphin noises?
4. Also, how is your ambassador enjoying his stay in Space Cow Hilton?
All right everyone, I'm up, so please start the interrogations.

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