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Your top 10 games of 2013
Post a list, make it detailed if you'd like. I might end up posting the one I'm making for my fanpage, but in the meantime here it is:

10. Dead Space 3
9. Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD remix
8. Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
7. Runner 2
6. Bioshock infinite
5. Pokemon X and Y
4. Zelda: A Link Between worlds
3. Tomb Raider
2. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
1. The Last of us
Not in any order:
  1. Pokemon X/Y (Where the hell is Pokebank?)
  2. DmC: Devil may Cry
  3. The Walking Dead (Telltale games)
  4. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  5. Killer Instinct (Xbox ONE)
  6. Beyond: Two Souls
That's it really.

Other mentions:
The Last of Us/Bioshock/Dead Space 3 were an OK games but the stories where stupid and nonsensical. The gameplay was tedious at times and made for a pretty average game in general.
Outside of graphics/voice acting and cutscenes they werent' anything special - but I still note them as somewhat enjoyable. But they're far to flawed to be put on the list.

I'd also put The Darkness 2, Lollipop Chainsaw, Blue Dragon and DMC HD Collection on the list but they weren't released in 2013.

I also have yet to play A Link Between Two Worlds and Ni No Kuni. I know...kill me.
My number one is MGR, only my top3 is in order.

-Metal Gear RISING
-The Last of US
-Dragon's Crown
-Zelda: ALBW
-Beyond 2 Souls
-Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros/Luigi's Mansion 2
-Batman Arkham Origins
-Dead Space 3
-Mario 3DWorld

GTA V, Bioshock Infinite, Far Cry Blood Dragon, and Mirror of Fate are good too but .

I'm not a RPG fan so no Bravely Default here :(
I only have like, 5, so in no order:

Dead Space 3
Metal Gear Rising (I think it came out in 2013?)
The Last Of Us
Call of duty: Ghosts (I like Extinction Mode)
BattleField 4 (First battlefield game I have)
Well, before this thread gets flooded with the same titles repeated over and over again. I spend most of my time and money on mostly PC indie games, so here's the ones I liked in the order I see them on my steam list:

-Volgarr the Viking
-The Swapper
-Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
-Rogue Legacy
-Risk of Rain
-Call of Juarez Gunslinger

And that's it. I didn't even make it to 10.
2013 was pretty shit, I can't really think of a top 10 so I'll just say 10 I know in any order.

Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies
Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Grand Theft Auto V
Pokémon X and Y
The Wonderful 101
The Last of Us

I'd probably have Ni no Kuni, and Revengeance but I haven't played them yet.

(01-01-2014, 06:35 AM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: DmC: Devil may Cry

I don't get it dude, you're like the only person who likes DmC, as well as being an original DMC fan. I've only played like the first 3/4 levels or so, and it's literally a 13 year olds version of a cool person. It's so retarded, the story is god awful, Dante is edgy as fuck and is a horrible character in the entire game. The game is just awful. Why do you like it?
In order:
1. Fire Emblem Awakening
2. Injustice Gods Among Us
3. Pokemon Y
4. Payday 2
5. Grand Theft Auto V
6. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
7. Contrast
8. Saints Row IV
9. Lego Marvel Super Heroes
10. Tomb Raider
In no particular order
-The Last of Us
-Payday 2
-Metal Gear Rising
-Animal Crossing: New Leaf
-Papers, Please
-Rogue Legacy
-Risk of Rain
-Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
-Kingdom Hearts 1.5
Here is my highly detailed list and in no particular order.

-Wind Waker HD
-TLoZ: Wind Waker HD
-The Legend of Zelda: WWHD
In no particular order.

Sonic lost worlds
Link between Worlds
Mario and Luigi Dream Team
Luigi's Mansion 2
The Walking Dead(Telltale games)
Wind waker HD
Rayman Legends
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time
Super Mario 3D World
Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded.
In no real order:

1. Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch
2. Bioshock Infinite
3. Borderlands 2 GOTY edition
4. The Last of Us
5. Kingdom Hearts HD - played it before and own the ps2 version but it was fun to play again but now in HD
6. Ducktales Remastered
7. The Wolf Among Us
8. DMC - Devil May Cry
9. Batman - Arkham Origins
10. Skyrim - Legendary Edition for the PC (good lord that is a pretty game on a PC).

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