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Space Quest's Famous Robots
In the updated VGA-remake of Space Quest 1 (AKA Space Quest: The Sarien Encounter), you can go to Droids B Us and find a bunch of androids that are from popular TV shows, Movies, and Anime.

FB-001. It's an all-purpose house keeping robot that guards the shop. This would be a reference to Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet.

[Image: Dbudroid-Dialogpicture.jpg][Image: giraff.jpg]
[Image: Robbie_Forbidden_Planet.jpg]

Def-Tech. It's a robot built for war by a race that killed itself off. This would be a reference to the Rifleman class Battlemech from Battletech/MechWarrior.

[Image: Def-tech.png]
[Image: RiflemanBattleTech.jpg]

YX-10. A Robot that was designed as a family companion on long space vacations and is great with kids, but has a disorder that makes it yell "Danger!". This would be a reference to the B-9 robot from Lost In Space.

[Image: Yx-10.png]
[Image: 220px-Science_Fiction_Museum_and_Hall_of_Fame_5.JPG]

HU-1D. A gardening robot that can run for a long time and is quiet. This is a reference to the robots in the movie Silent Running.

[Image: Hu-1d.png]
[Image: 225px-Silent_running.jpg]

Dalick. A dangerous robot that kills everyone who buys it. These are a reference to the Daleks from Doctor Who.

[Image: Dalick.png]
[Image: 200px-Dalek_2010_Redesign.jpg]

HA-Y-AO. A peace keeping robot that is in hibernation. This is a reference to the Laputian robots from 'Castle in the Sky', while thier name could be a reference to the director, Hayao Miyazaki.

[Image: Ha-y-ao.png]
[Image: castle-in-the-sky-robot-statue-sculpture.jpg]
(I couldn't find a picture from the movie I could use)

Max-42. A bodyguard robot with saws and a tendency to be over-zealous. This is a reference to Maximilian from the movie The Black Hole.

[Image: Max-42.png]
[Image: hole5.jpg]

On the Table you can find the head of Ultron-17 (a reference to Marvel's Ultron) and the arm of an Arnoid-1000 Exterminator (a spoof on Arnold Schwarzenegger and the T-1000 Terminator).

[Image: Ultron-17.png]
[Image: 10295ba3ad863a4aa1432ccb1f5fba29.jpg][Image: hwcg0005.jpg]

Here's a video to show off the descriptions for all but the Ultron head and the Arnoid arm

I'm unsure if this also applies to the original version of the game as I have not found any information about it.

There are three robots that I have heard are references, but I know nothing about the charicters or the sires they come from, so maybe they are or aren't.

Murage is a reference to a robot from Five Star Stories.

[Image: Murage.png]
[Image: 100_Led_Mirage_FL_01.jpg]

ROC-2000 is a refrance to ROG-2000

[Image: Roc-2000.png]
[Image: 1220909-rog20004.jpg]

SUX-9000 is the only one I have no clue for but I hear that it could be a reference to the Robocop car, 6000-SUX.

[Image: Sux-9000.png]
[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

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