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Shantae in DuckTales
My friend Random Talking Bush from over at The Spriters Resource managed to find three unused images within the DuckTales Remastered game files.

[Image: 4HcdMaE.png]

[Image: ooIpWmE.png]

[Image: mW2Jh7n.png]

While these images obviously look like placeholders, based on their poor quality, it's possible that WayForward may have wanted to include Shantae as a playable character within the game. This is of course speculation, but these images do provide evidence that during development, they used Shantae as a placeholder somewhere.
To be honest. Shantae appearing out of the blue in the Ducktales universe seems a little out of place for Ducktales. Maybe Wayforward was trying to add a cameo/reference of the character but it never made it in the final cut.
And the Gennie from the movie wasn't out of place in the Ducktales universe? I think a cameo from a cartoony game for a cartoony game would be normal.
No, I wouldn't say the genie in the ducktales movie was out of place(he was a duck afte all). Now I'm starting to wonder if Wayforward wanted to have one level for Ducktales remastered where Scrooge had to team up with Shantae at one point.
I'm surprised how artifacted it is.
That's because again, they're unused. They're quickly strewn together placeholders; you'll also see how horrid the trimming of the graphics are.
Has anyone on here tried to get in touch with Wayforward about this? Maybe some info behind the developers would explain this through.

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