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The View All Trivia Page is Live!
You've been asking for it for a while now and we're finally ready to share our newest feature - the View All Trivia page! Starting with the inclusion of our tag system, we decided that there needed to be an easy way to browse trivia by tag. Additionally, many of you wanted a way to see more than the 30 recent updates we showed on the home page. So, we took both of those ideas and created this new feature, which you can find here!

As always, bug reports and feedback are appreciated and should be left here. Enjoy, and merry Christmas!
This is really cool. I am a little disappointed that the front page had to srink from 30 trivia to 10 but I can live with the changes. All I really need to do is click the buttion and I can see very post.
We decided to decrease the number of updates on the home page to highlight the fact that everything was visible on its own page now. You still have to scroll to find the button but it's less than it was with 30. That being said though, we can add the other 20 (or maybe 10) back later if people really want it.

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