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Buzz! Quiz Player Packs?
I doubt someone would be able to help me regarding this issue but I can't get help, not even from Playstation themselves. I have the free Buzz! Quiz Player game that is on the PS Store and I wanted to buy a pack for it but the Buzz servers shut down so it's impossible to get it from the in game store. Just recently I found the same packs in the store but when examining it it says it's for Buzz! Quiz World and Buzz! Quiz TV but it doesn't say anywhere that it also supports Buzz! Quiz Player. I know these are also the same packs for Buzz! Quiz Player but I don't want to waste $20 buying a PSN card to find out it doesn't support that Buzz title, I want to know if anyone would know for sure these packs also work on Buzz! Quiz Player.
It doesn't sound like that would count. If you aren't receiving word, it is probably perceived as something "obvious" by the powers that be. I'm speaking from my experience with Yu-Gi-Oh, but it generally isn't profitable for a company to make something cross compatible like that.

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