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The Free Thread *Gaming Related*
(07-30-2013, 06:51 PM)A Zombie Riot Wrote: I actually got a headset for the computer.

I guess that's actually a very good thing because now I can team with some people in Minecraft (Hunger Games) and actually TALK for once, making us a much better team. Heh!

Sweet, I finally got one a month or so ago and it's made everything so much easier, lemme know if you guys ever need another party member.

ALSO, a random Fallout 3 encounter with some Enclave dudes and dudets just got me a nice suit of Tesla Armor at level 10, hazzah.
I played with one of the first people I met on ArmadaCraft. We're both terrible and we both had fun playing.

I usually play Minecraft twice a day. In the morning after I wake up and at night before I go to bed.

My Skype is AZombieRiot if you want to add me.
Man it's such a great feeling to be playing TTT and have the traitor rage quit because you blew his head off with no warning, just because you have the balls to RDM people you think are traitors. (RDM=Random Death Match=Killing suddenly for no reason)
Was working on a video for the rom corruption thread on SA, and something went hilariously wrong:

Poor Indy... :'(

[Image: b64gH3m.gif]

Edit: Don't tilt your carts folks:

(Click Indy go to the video)
[Image: J2ldumY.gif]
Hey guys, come join my site if you like to play some Minecraft minigames. It's a clan thing I've started up (I say clan, but it's just a place for people to get together) so you have a place to go if you want to play with someone on a certain game.
I've been playing some Rage since I picked it up on the Steam Summer sale, it's an absurdly fun game. The shooting mechanics feel really refined and it paces itself really well.
It's a fun game. I want a sequel, actually. It could really benefit from the next-gen hardware. Textures were absolute crap on consoles.
(07-30-2013, 09:00 AM)A Zombie Riot Wrote: So... I'm disputing a moderation on Gamefaqs (like I'm ever going to actually win this, because the mod/admin will always basically say "Yeah, right, you're still wrong." or something stupid like that. Here it is... it's over a p4rgaming article, too. They claim the thread got deleted because I was trolling people. It's not trolling. A mod even basically said that it was a misleading topic title... and the mod still upheld the moderation.

GameFAQ's mods are probably the worst I've ever seen. No wonder so many people hate them. I don't blame 'em.

The title of the topic was "Sony Asks Nintendo for One Mario Game to Help Sell the Vita"

[Image: 5ssHCsB.png]
[Image: XM5QhaX.png]
[Image: ir0P6dO.png]

The irony is twats hate P4R articles that are obviously satire yet Gamefaqs posts Kotaku articles all the time and aren't called out for being "false facts". Sure, sure.
Yeah, I know. It's extremely stupid.
Does anyone want to join my crew for some Guns of Icarus in around ten minutes?
Uh, guys? I think my copy of The Lost Vikings might be haunted.

(Don't click on this gif; it's too spooky)
[Image: En3T9iA.gif]
So I just figured out a nice tactic in TTT if you're a traitor, and I must share even though there's probably no one here that cares. You can un-equip and equip point shop items (vanity items, [examples include an afro or a KFC bucket] point shop button is F3) in the middle of the match, so buy the disguise from the traitor shop, (c button) take off your point shop items and turn on the disguise to hide your ID. Now if anyone sees you doing traitor things they can't call you out and no one will think it was you when you un-disguise as long as you re-equip your point shop items, and if they do just ask them if the traitor had your point shop items on to point out you obviously aren't the traitor. ;)

Man I play that game too much.
I just remembered how INSANELY fun Colin McRae: Dirt 2 is. I re-installed it on my computer a little earlier today. Already at level 12 and being a boss at all the rally events (not only the most pure form of racing on this game, but just the most fun. Not having to worry about other cars and knowing what's coming up thanks to pacenotes is amazing.)
More people need to play Guns of Icarus, only four of my friends have it and I gave copies to three of them.

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