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The Free Thread *Gaming Related*
Switched to Trevor earlier and he was wearing a dress....
I was playing some Awesomenauts earlier and I HATE that damn Ayla!
op plz nerf
Damn it, damn it, damn it! I'm yet to conquer Mt. Chiliad. I was SO friggin' close too! My poor, poor Bison... That I stole from someone moments earlier...
It took more than 2 years, but I have the platinum trophy for inFamous 2. Now for the dang-ass Farcry 3 trophy that's completely bugged out if it's proverbial mind.
Doesn't help that I watched last nights episode of Korra just a couple of hours ago... but when you said Bison, all I thought about was this:

[Image: 0701_avatar_andfriends.jpg]
(09-26-2013, 01:41 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: ...Sweet zombie Jesus. You know that Lollipop Chainsaw figure I posted? Well, that's actually the improved version. This is what it used to look like:

[Image: ku-xlarge.jpg]

The only time Juliet Starling looks hot.
The face painting though...looks kinda messy.
I don't like flying in GTA V, even with Trevor. I can do it but I don't like it.
(09-27-2013, 10:17 PM)A Zombie Riot Wrote: Switched to Trevor earlier and he was wearing a dress....

Trevor is super weird sometimes when i switch to him he is sleeping and is surrounded by a bunch of dead guys, sleeping on top of mountains. Has 3 stars..
I think unlike its counterpart Rayman Legends won't go down in price anytime soon since people actually realize it's a great game. I hope my cash back on my credit card will fairly soon be enough to justify me buying the game at full price. I usually don't do that ><
My thoughts on GTAV's press.

[Image: 599707.jpg]

"People are losing their shit over GTA V reviews that imply the game is anything other than perfect. Odd, because I couldn't countenance giving a game with a control scheme that archaic anything more than an eight." - The writer of the comic
I wouldn't say that about the controls but everyone is entitled to their opinion. Its definitely a step up from IV and a worthy sequel to San Andreas, ironically in San Andreas.
(09-30-2013, 06:00 AM)Psychospacecow Wrote: a worthy sequel to San Andreas, ironically in San Andreas.

Or is that "coincidentally"? ;)
(09-30-2013, 06:51 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote:
(09-30-2013, 06:00 AM)Psychospacecow Wrote: a worthy sequel to San Andreas, ironically in San Andreas.

Or is that "coincidentally"? ;)

Why not both?
LOL. So Pat and Woolie, part of the Best Friends Play, decided to try out an import copy of a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure game. They got super confused thanks to the Japanese, and I guess bashed the game more than they should have, so the youtube comments aND Tumblr are going nuts. It's super entertaining.

I get being annoyed that you've been given the wrong info, but they made a big annotation about the goof at the beginning of the video. Plus, it's pretty understandable to get confused when you don't understand Japanese at all.
(09-29-2013, 09:21 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: I think unlike its counterpart Rayman Legends won't go down in price anytime soon since people actually realize it's a great game. I hope my cash back on my credit card will fairly soon be enough to justify me buying the game at full price. I usually don't do that ><
After a week, Rayman Legends dropped from full price to £25 in most retail stores. I are happy.
(Though the Costa Rican Marketplace was handing it(and Injustice) out for free so...joys all around))

(09-29-2013, 11:51 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: My thoughts on GTAV's press.

[Image: 599707.jpg]
The irony being that that companies like IGN have obviously been "paid" to essentially become PR for GTA V. Another funny point to note is that the comic comes from TheEscapist who is also the only reviewer to give it a mixed reception on Metacritic.
I also agree on the "selling out point" too. Giving a game a 10? Yeah sure, that should never happen and I've yet to see professional game journalists anymore amongst what we currently have.

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