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Naula Cake Shop in Phantasy Star games
The Naula Cake shop, run by a trio simply known as the "cake sisters" or "Naula sisters", who claim to not actually be bakers, is often a hard to find vendor. It is usually found in a cave or cave-like area, that appears in several Phantasy Star titles, and is inspired by the oddly located baker in the Naula Caves of planet Palma in the very first Phantasy Star game and it's enhanced remake, Phantasy Star Generations 1. The cake sisters who run the Cake Shop in later titles are also sometimes host to a Pizza Shack. It is most likely not the same three sisters every time however.
Phantasy Star:
Generations 1:
PS0: (sorry, only low-quality camera recordings of this one seem to exist, if you can get better footage of it, that would be appreciated)
PSU AotI: (It should be noted that the area where you find it is based directly on the Ruins of PSO, I'll make a seprate trivia on that sort of thing a bit later, also if anyone has better evidence of this as well, that would also be appriecated).
PSPortable 2 Pizza Shack:
PSO2: (it should be noted that this is the poorly translated Southeast Asia version, which is why Naula is incorrectly translated as Naura here, even though the official localized name is Naula)

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