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The Tales Series DUKG?
I always wanted to know more of the Tales series and was wondering if possible if there could be a video of every series? If not all like pick out the ones that might have a interesting history an secrets to share to the world.

The first time I got into the series was when a friend in college introduce me to Tales of Abyss and I fell in love with it, the story had a nice twist and the main character you just wanted to slap so hard for being a complete DA but made up for it latter in the game with the rest of the lovable characters that had more sense then Luke Spoilers just remembered his name. But ever sense Abyss I became fascinated with the other Tales were I want to make a collection of em so far I only have Vesperia/xbox360, Xillia 1&2/ps3, Gracess F/ps3, and so looking forward of getting Zestiria.   

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