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Batman Arkham Knight has parallels to Star Wars
Something I literally came up with today, but the more I think about it's plausible.


So basically, what I've found is that the two main antagonists of Batman: Arkham Knight (Scarecrow and The Arkham Knight) draw many parallels to another famous antagonist duo, specifically The Emperor and Darth Vader from the Star Wars franchise.

1. There's the cloaked, all-knowing puppet master and the short-tempered, powerful apprentice in a advanced mechanical suit.
[Image: Batman-Team%20Scarecrow.jpg]
[Image: palpatine1.jpg]

2. The apprentice takes command of the military force while the master calls the shots from the shadows.
[Image: batman-arkham-knight_0.jpg]
[Image: latest?cb=20130225073523.jpg]

3. The master has always been evil but didn't become a major threat until after he was disfugured

[Image: open-uri20150608-27674-un7ulr_2a07a2ee.jpeg]

4. The apprentice is a former close ally who has turned evil after being convinced he was betrayed
[Image: 1334940364839055206.jpg]
[Image: latest?cb=20150311220857&path-prefix=protagonist]

5. In the end, the now former apprentice redeems himself by saving the hero and defeating (or helps defeat) the master
(Skip to 15:22)

So that's it, do you guys think this could be intentional? Or could I just be looking too much into this?

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