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4 in February
I just learned of a thing Joystiq started a few years back called "4 in February" through an article on Rely on Horror. It's a thing where you choose four games from your backlog and finish them during the month of February. Doesn't matter if it's a game you haven't even started yet or one you just put down that one time and never went back to. The idea is just to scratch off four titles from your backlog in a month's time.

I think I might take part in this, I definitely need to get games out of my backlog.

Oh, and pictures, if possible. Doesn't necessarily have to be images from your physical games. You can check examples from the article link. Of course not necessary but I do like to see pictures.

My four games for the month are Resident Evil HD Remaster, Just Cause 3, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture and, as a surprise entry a game I know literally nothing about, Red Ninja: End of Honor. Picture when I get back to my collection.

If all goes according to plan, I'll get through six games this month since I am so close to beating both Resistance: Fall of Man and Sweet Home (reason why I didn't unclude them).
I don't really have a list of 4, but I do want to start and finish Transistor soon.
Let's take a look at my back log and see what I can find.....

            [Image: Sonic-Generations-360-box-art.jpg]
My mom resonantly bought me a new Xbox 360 and I've been want to to try this out since I bought it. It also helps that I've been in a sonic mood as of late. I also hear that this is the best Sonic game in the last so often, so this should be fun.

             [Image: fear360boxx.jpg]
Same as above. The diffrence is that I played this one before I borrowed this from the Ex-Bro a few years back but I gacve it back before I could beat it. I resently (as in last year) bought it  and F.E.A.R. Files to play and I want to beat both (all three since Files is two expansions in one) but I'll focus on the original F.E.A.R. for now since I want more then Xbox 360 games on this list and I think beating Expansions would be cheating.

[Image: capcom-viewtiful-joe-ps2.jpg]
I've been trying to beat this since I bought it. I beaten it's sequel (one of my favorite PS2 game BTW) and even the so-so party game Red Hot Rumble. I was hopeing to beat it sooner, but I just keep getting stuck. Perhaps this would be the time I get though it all the way.

             [Image: orphen.jpg]
I wanted to avoid an RPG because.... well I'm kinda bad at finishing them because they are so long and I did not want to take up the Whole 4IF with one game, but I've been interested in getting back into this game and since I JUST bought the whole series of the Anime, it's the perfect time to do so.
Four games eh? Hmm. After doing some thinking. I'll just name the 4 that I have on my plate right now that I need to get back to finishing.

1. [Image: 250px-BrutalLegendCover.jpg] 
So far. I'm in the middle point at this game. If I'm not counting optional missions. I might be able to finish this.

2. [Image: LA-Noire-Box-Art.jpg]
I remember buying this game for the first time. And I loved every aspect of it. I've seen Rockstar games handle city life, but they've managed to take a homerun out of the ballpark with the 1930s and the film noir genre for a video game. Sadly. I'm still at the beginning at this game. I might start a new one to retrace where I left off from the last time I played it.

3. [Image: 250px-Kameocover.jpg]
Always wanted to see Rare go into the fantasy genre for gaming. This game was one of the reasons why I got a 360 in the first place. 

4. [Image: Banjo-Kazooie_Nuts_%26_Bolts_Game_Cover.jpg]
I know this game has gotten a bit of mixed reception from gamers(mostly Banjo-kazooie fans for the lack of platforming over cars) but if you at it from a different perspective, its a fun game. It would have been fun to see it as its own title where you can build cars to get to point A to B rather than forcing it into a Banjo title(then again, that ain't Rare's fault, its mostly Mircosoft's fault for not having faith in the original game that Rare was trying to make since it wasn't one of Rare's known series games). I might be able to finish the swan song of Rare in the future.
I've had Lost Odyseey sitting in my 360 since july, should probably get around to playing that at some point.
No idea how, but I completed four games.

Rise of the Tomb Raider. The most average game I've ever played. Nothing came at me as interesting or unique. The game was just average. It wasn't bad nor was it good, it was just average.

Valkyria Chronicles. Great game, the last two missions were a massive pain and I just abused the commands and shocktroopers to finish both the missions with ease. Didn't even care at this point. I hate bosses that replenish all their damn health.

Alien Isolation. Amazing game, everything about it was perfect and felt like an actual next gen game. By the end of the game, it felt like a true "cinematic" experience. The Alien was getting more aggressive, I was running out of flamethrower ammo and items. It was a race to the finish hoping I don't bump into the alien.

Persona 4: Golden. Even though I didn't get the true end. I was satisfied with the ending since I got the crappy ending where you don't get the actual killer and miss out like 3 months of gametime, so I didn't want to end it with that. I instead ended on the one where you find the killer.

No idea how I finished these 4 games in February, but look at that.
So... I did not complete a single one of the games I set out to complete. Three out of the four weeks I had to accomplish this I spent away from any of my consoles (apart from 3DS) so beating all four in the final week proved to be a task too high. I did get about halfway through Red Ninja and to around 70% completion in Just Cause 3. I did, however, somehow beat four other games during the month.

I beat Resogun on the first, before I even knew of this challenge. Lucky chance.

Got through Sweet Home and Castlevania Chronicles' Arrange Mode (had already beaten original mode) on stream. Sweet Home had been my main stream game for a while so I was pretty far in it already and CC's Arrange Mode can be beaten in an hour.

The fourth game was Resistance: Fall of Man, which has been me and my friend's co-op game on weekends. Just beat it the past Saturday.
I beat Fallout 4 1 and a half times without actually reaching the ending because of quest blocking glitches.

Got the first badge in Pokemon Platinum.

Played a good bit of Hearthstone.

Improved my Nevada city in Cities : Skylines.

Progressed to having full laser setup in X:COM EW.

Still haven't run the install program for Transistor...
I managed to beat the four games, which was a surprise. I'm going to make a digital piece to celebrate this and explaining the experience I had with these games.
I surprised myself this year. I beat my four plus a few more (granted two of them were short "kids"/"girl" games and two more don't count because I bought them this month). To recap:

Orphen: An interesting game for fans of an interesting anime/manga. Fun to play, wears out it welcome near then end, cool Final boss.
Viewtiful Joe: Not as good as the second game but still fun. Needs a third game (DS game and Red Hot Rumble do not count)
F.E.A.R. + DLC: Blah.
Sonic Generations: Got everything and all S-Ranks. New Favorite Sonic game. Still needs work. Also want a sequel.

Bonus games
Final Fantasy II
Up (DS)
Kameo: Elements of Power
Imagine: Reporter
Blades of Time
You know I almost ended up joining this but since most of the games in my backlog are RPG's that I have anywhere from 10 to 70 hours of time spent, I didn't really think it would be wise. The funny thing is that I'll beat at least 4 games in April with Quantum Break, Sega Classic's collection, Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted 4 all coming out that month.

Also, and I wanted to say this before but never did, why the month of February exactly? Not only is that the shortest month of the year by at least 2 days unless we happen to be in a leap year, which lucky us in this case I guess, but summer tends to be the slowest time for game releases. I would think June or July would be better months to go for something like this.
(03-01-2016, 05:59 AM)RepentantSky Wrote: Also, and I wanted to say this before but never did, why the month of February exactly? Not only is that the shortest month of the year by at least 2 days unless we happen to be in a leap year, which lucky us in this case I guess, but summer tends to be the slowest time for game releases. I would think June or July would be better months to go for something like this.

Who knows. Probably they thought they'd bring in the challenge aspect by having less days.
(03-01-2016, 05:59 AM)RepentantSky Wrote: Also, and I wanted to say this before but never did, why the month of February exactly? Not only is that the shortest month of the year by at least 2 days unless we happen to be in a leap year, which lucky us in this case I guess, but summer tends to be the slowest time for game releases. I would think June or July would be better months to go for something like this.

I think that's the point. You're meant to complete four games by the end of the month without buying new ones just to beat them. So the slower relese windows will be less of an excuse to buy new games. Also The shorter month means you have to play faster, making it a better challenge. The third (and best) reason I can think of is... there are no other months that have a "F." I mean we could have "Nine in November," "Seven in September," or "One in October" just as well, but four just sounds right to play in a short amount of time. Plus what is 2 fewer days to beat a game? The last reason I can think of is... because he says so.
Since it's the start of February, I wanted to bump this up. So, is anyone doing it this year?

My picks are:
[Image: NCjl3b2.png]

Thought I'd go with a short game, a long(ish) game, a bad game, and a game from my childhood. I have no idea what to expect from Catherine, since it's the one one out of the three that I'm going in blind.
I'm not backlogging at all. Just going to stick with my current game:
1. Skyrim
2. Dawnguard
3. Hearthfire
4. Dragonborn

I doubt I'll have it completed during February anyways. I'm trying to complete as many side quests as I can getting side tracked by side quests and have not even talked to the Greybeards yet.

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