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Thread for Trivia Evidence Pieces on Palette Swaps in Super Smash Bros. Series
I may not be a staff member, but I find it worth suggesting that trivia submissions which require Trivia Evidence all go onto a dedicated Trivia Evidence piece. Seeing what VGFacts is like these days about us finding stuff for trivia to be more convincing, and based on which sources have now become forbidden is another reason for certain trivia items to go onto dedicated Trivia Evidence pieces. I hope my idea is liked of.

Anywho, for one here be a showcase of all Palette Swap Options of each game, sometimes it can help when specific palette swaps apply to more then one game thus making them go as series trivia:



Smash 4


And indeed this list would update once Future Smash Bros. games release as well for future Nintendo Platforms.
For a start, here's videos of stuff palette swap basises mentioned in Trivia Submissions that now apply to more then one game in the franchise:

Mario's outfit from NES Open Golf Tournament, applies to Smash 4 and Ultimate:

Kirby's palette swap based off Meta Knight unmasked, applies to both Smash 4 and Ultimate:

Luigi's palette swap based off his design in the Japanese Movie, applies to Smash 4 and Ultimate:

Zelda's palette swap in Brawl and Smash 4 resembling her appearance in Melee:

Meta Knight's palette swap resembling Galacta Knight, applies to Smash 4 and Ultimate:

Meta Knight's palette swap resembling Dark Meta Knight, applies to Smash 4 and Ultimate:

Zero Suit Samus' Outfit from the Good Ending of Metroid: Zero Mission, applies to Smash 4 and Ultimate:

Snake's camo outfits from Metal Gear Solid 3, applies to Brawl and Ultimate:

Charizard's shiny sprite from Gen II Games, applies to Smash 4 and Ultimate:

ROB's default palette swap regional differences, applies to Smash 4 and Ultimate but not Brawl:
Mega Man's wide array of Palette Swaps, applies to all Smash Bros. games he's been in:

Little Mac's palette swap resembling his design in Super Punch Out, applies to Smash 4 and Ultimate:

Little Mac's wireframe outfit, applies to Smash 4 and Ultimate:

These are stuff that were once posted as trivia for one game that'll now be moved to being series trivia due to applying to more then one game in the franchise, and this Trivia Evidence post will be the new source for them.

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