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King of Fighters XIII - Stage Cameos
Characters from the SNK series will have a random chance of appearing in the background

[Image: jsqmykzcprs71.png?width=500&format=png&a...cf4146aa4f]
  • The stage features a giant tengu mask, which is a reference to Mr. Karate.
  • Shingo Yabuki will appear underneath the tengu mask.
  • In the farther background of the stage is Nakoruru standing next to the jade lion.
  • Hinako Shijou will appear on the right side of the stage.
  • Ryuhaku Todoh has a chance of appearing in the far top left corner of the stage.

[Image: ste8jg9cprs71.png?width=500&format=png&a...71d1c7778d]
  • Chang Koehan will appear in the top right of the stage.
  • Cheng Sinzan has a chance of appearing directly behind the left-center carriage.

[Image: kgp11mx6prs71.png?width=640&crop=smart&a...d04afbf415]
  • The bus on the right displaces a wanted poster for Ryuji Yamazaki.
  • Chris has a chance of appearing left of the right bus.
  • B. Jenet has a chance of appearing on top of the farthest bus in the back.

[Image: rpxcu9lyors71.png?width=500&format=png&a...ef0f5a291c]
  • Tizoc has a chance of appearing on the right side of the wooden bridge.
  • Marco Rodriguez (Khusnood Butt) has a chance of appearing above the boat.
  • Cham Cham has a chance of appearing on the left side of the wooden bridge.

[Image: o3aqr770qrs71.png?width=500&format=png&a...a64f0ad7b6]
  • After the first round, Duck King can be seen piloting one of the helicopters.
  • P-Chan (Duck King's pet chick) can be seen walking on the edge of the platform.
  • After the first round, Galford (& Poppi) can appear in the right scaffolding.
  • A blimp featuring Mr. Big's face can be seen in the background.

[Image: x4gk63dfprs71.png?width=800&format=png&a...27878b6219]
Sky Noah Stage
  • Rose & Adel are predominately featured in the background, changing their positions each round.
  • Rugal's image will periodically appear in the center monitor. 
  • Rodem (the panther) is often seen with the two in various rounds.
  • When Adel is on the left side of the stage, he will be seen talking to Heidern on a monitor.

[Image: k6uthv62prs71.png?width=500&format=png&a...c25a639691]
  • After the second round, Wang Koh-San (& Hoeh-Hoeh) will appear on the left of the stage.

[Image: rumz12b3prs71.png?width=640&crop=smart&a...2f6563be12]
  • Marco Rodriguez (Khusnood Butt) is predominately featured in the background.
  • Malin will periodically appear to the right of Marco.
  • Kasumi Todoh and Eiji Kisaragi appear in the corner window.
  • Sho Hayate appears as a spectator.

[Image: dh4fb4rdprs71.png?width=500&format=png&a...18faafdd3b]
Pao Pao Cafe
  • Bao is above one of the palm trees.
  • Richard Meyer appears left of the band.

[Image: 2qo9hyogprs71.png?width=500&format=png&a...2c5afbf3b5]
  • Mr. Big and Karman Cole appear in the center of the stage.
  • A poster for Jack Turner's Black Cat Gang will appear on the right building.

[Image: w79wo9dlprs71.png?width=600&format=png&a...3bb8a406d7]
Burnt Remains
  • Kain R. Heinlein and Shinnosuke Kagami will appear on the right of the stage.
  • Charlette is on the left of the stage.

[Image: lf6ppf4zprs71.png?width=320&crop=smart&a...20c8a8cbc7]
  • Moriya Minakata appears left of the shrine.
  • Shiki appears at the shrine entrance.

[Image: oo2mw8yjprs71.png?width=500&format=png&a...97d6dceedb]
Abandoned Factory
  • The American Sports Team has a chance of appearing standing next to the truck on the left.
  • Candy Diamond has a chance of appearing on the junk pile on the right.
  • Rocky has a chance of appearing on the junk pile to right.

[Image: 6tjluav8prs71.png?width=960&crop=smart&a...dfa65b0037]
  • Shingo Yabuki and Cosplayer Kyoko have a chance of appearing on the top floor of the right building.
  • After the second round, Haohmaru will randomly appear on the left side of the stage.

[Image: 3p22z43eprs71.png?width=483&format=png&a...5c1c84b2da]
Coliseum Rooftop
  • Hanzo Hattori will randomly appear on the left side of the stage, behind one of the statues.

[Image: opwngi61prs71.png?width=500&format=png&a...e9a2d29c91]
Clock Tower
  • Wolfgang Krauser, Laurence Blood, and Axel Hawk will randomly appear in the center walkway.
  • Lilly Kane has a chance of appearing on the left side of the stage.

[Image: kbi50tm4prs71.png?width=500&format=png&a...87667ae549]
  • Marco Rossi has a chance of appearing on the left side of the stage.
  • After the second round, Fiolina Germi has a chance of appearing on the right side of the stage.
  • After the second round, Mars People will randomly appear on the right of the alter.

[Image: a17s79zzors71.png?width=500&format=png&a...44a9de35d7]
  • Lin has a chance of appearing on the rooftops of the right, next to the tower.
  • Tung Fu Rue will randomly appear to the right of the stage, sleeping next to the doorway.
  • Li Xiangfei has a chance of appearing on the left of the stage on the rooftops.
  • After the second round, Baitang (recolored as a brown bear instead of a panda) appears on the edge of the platform.

[Image: na3sjyibprs71.png?width=500&format=png&a...cdd1c94698]
  • Shermie has a chance of appearing on the left of the stage.
  • Seth, Vanessa, and Ramon have a chance of appearing on the right of the stage.

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