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The Walking Thread (SPOILERS!!)

No posts from anyone, especially Cuccos.

Is she dead? She never missed a post.
I'm just confused at the moment. I'm wondering if "Joe", the guy Daryl punched is really going to be (cannot remember his name) the leader of "The Saviors" from the comics and Beth was kidnapped...supposedly. I also think the way they are doing the episodes with everyone split up - one episode about these people, the next episode about those people, it'll eventually come together - is a great way to keep one wondering, but also to keep from catching up with the comics.
Crap I did forget to post my thoughts. Let's see.......

Beth has been kidnapped! They better not kill her off. She is my Daryl.

The gang looks to be bad news for the main cast, but I have a feeling that this could be good for our main man Daryl.

Cucoos said that there weren't any forced romantic feelings in the last episode. I'm not sure about you but the hand holding shows them to be a little close. Daryl's not the kinda guy to go holding hands.

3 episodes left. With all the character development going on, you know that they are either going to give us a big bomb shell of an ending, kill someone off, have someone turn (either from good to bad or into a walker), or all of the above.

Speaking of the bomb shell endings, did the preview give anyone else goosebumps?
Thankfully we don't get the previews here. I've seen a couple when I have watched missed episodes online but the episodes we get on TV don't have them.

Oh yes, and I just finished ordering the first two (collected) books of Walking Dead the comic. I only had the first issue from before.
I think Daryl is going to go bad with the ulterior motive of finding Beth. OR...... Beth will use her tracking skills she learned and maybe rescue him from a bad situation. I've only read the synopsis of the comic series on wiki, but now I have my very few theories I posted, but that's it. It's that different from the comics. Also, we haven't seen that Ford guy since Glenn left them.
(03-11-2014, 12:32 PM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: Also, we haven't seen that Ford guy since Glenn left them.

Didn't they start following him, though?
I just thought of something. You would think that Daryl would not trust someone claming to be nice and the head of a group of "friendly" people who have guns, and than I thought that he did not want to die and wanted to save Beth. So my theory is that he joined them to get what he wanted and then leave/kill them afterward.
I totally forget that a new episode came on tonight. Time to watch the DVR.

This is the only episode that I've become emotionally upset. Wow.
Lizzy scares the shit out of me. Killing your own sister just to prove a point. That is some Michael Myers shit right there.

Has anyone read Of Mice and Men? If so, you will know why I was thinking "Tell me about the rabbits." If not, read the book or watch the movie, than come back and watch the episode again.
Don't know if anyone else caught this, but Joe's group? The one Daryl is with? That's the same group of guys Rick was stuck with when he hid under the bed.
I didn't catch it, but with two episodes left this session, I'll be checking into it.
I'm back! We have been super busy, but I have kept up with the show :)

I enjoyed Bob's backstory, although I am curious as to how he, being an alcoholic, was the lone survivor of TWO different groups.

Daryl is now with the group of dudes that Rick saw at the house, when he was stuck under the bed. I do not trust these men, but I don't think Daryl will turn back to his "old ways". I think that he is smart enough to go along with them for now just so they don't kill him. He knows they are dangerous.

Beth. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETH WHERE DID YOU GO?!?! I have ZERO theories on this. :(

I am very happy and proud that Carol told Tyreese the truth. (And us too- I don't know about you, but I thought it was Lizzie up until Carol herself told Tyreese). Carol did something terrible to protect the group, and Tyreese sees that. He may not be happy about it (no one can ask him to be ok with it) but he understands WHY. I was very pleased when he forgave her. I didn't expect that. I didn't expect him to kill her or anything, but I didn't expect forgiveness, so that was nice.

Fucking Lizzie. God damn it. Little psycho. I enjoy the way this episode played out. It was difficult to watch, but extremely creative. I like the way they really showed Lizzie's mental illness from start to finish. She literally had no clue that what she was doing was wrong, and her brain couldn't comprehend that these things were wrong. Everything from feeding the walkers to killing her sister, she truly believed she was doing the right thing.

Carol has stepped up into the role of doing the terrible things that NEED to be done but no one else has the balls to do. It was an awful decision to have to make to kill Lizzie, but her and Tyreese both understand that Lizzie can NOT live in this world. That whole scene came out of left field. I was not expecting that at all, but I feel it was the right thing to do.
Yes. I agree. I almost cried. It was that intense.
I accidentally ruined it for my parents by saying there were boys in the comics that had a similar story play out, and then I followed it up with "The crazy one killed his brother." and like, four minutes later it happened and I was like "Er. Whoops."
(03-17-2014, 08:34 AM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote: Daryl is now with the group of dudes that Rick saw at the house, when he was stuck under the bed. I do not trust these men, but I don't think Daryl will turn back to his "old ways".

Holy fuck, you're right. My mind has just been blown by that. I didn't connect two and two

(And us too- I don't know about you, but I thought it was Lizzie up until Carol herself told Tyreese).

What? Like, how did you not know? That's the entire reason Rick left her with by herself with supplies in that episode and told her to leave

I didn't expect him to kill her or anything, but I didn't expect forgiveness, so that was nice.

I just didn't want him to kill himself to stop him killing her. It happened in a game I played and it annoyed me, but made sense

Carol has stepped up into the role of doing the terrible things that NEED to be done but no one else has the balls to do. It was an awful decision to have to make to kill Lizzie, but her and Tyreese both understand that Lizzie can NOT live in this world. That whole scene came out of left field. I was not expecting that at all, but I feel it was the right thing to do.

Eh, I was expected it. In the same situation, I would do the same thing, she can't be around normal people and she doesn't understand the world around here.

I also think that there was a "Of mice and men" moment there, by telling her to "Look at the flowers" to distract her.

Responses a la bold.

Also, I hope that when Rick sees Tyreese with his baby he gives him a hug and cries manly tears. If someone did that for my child I'd do the same thing.

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