08-19-2013, 10:58 PM
Arjahn and I were messing around, when I cleared a gang operation with a sniper and found a rabbit like the other notorious SR easter egg bunny but small and yellow.
![[Image: 1024x640.resizedimage]](http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/1118303789183970367/565E8F85780F961E5355011947337E289480339D/1024x640.resizedimage)
![[Image: 018EA50A6F01B8D02D6284DCF2A3C27270FD1A8A]](http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/1118303789183960547/018EA50A6F01B8D02D6284DCF2A3C27270FD1A8A/)
Also, there's a glitch when you use nitrous and put your cars into the garage.
Also, there's a glitch when you use nitrous and put your cars into the garage.