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Favorite cartoons & cartoon talk
Has anyone here watched the animated movie 9 (I'm not kidding, that's the actual name). It's the movie any good?

Also, R.I.P Wally Burr. He was a voice actor who participated in movies and games.
Its -eh-. You can tell the ending by the first 30 minutes are over. Very generic story that focuses on its visuals primarily. The problem is its just really murky and unfun to look at apart from the characters.
Yesterday, I watched season 1 of Castlevania. Overall, I liked it and I'm glad season 2 has been approved. I have not kept up with the series of games, and I don't know how the characters compare to their video game counter parts, but I like how Trevor, Alucard and that girl are all different but interact well. The music usually works with the setting, also.

It's worth watching if you haven't.
The castlevania show on Netflix is awesome. Hell. I am already amazed by what was done and accomplished for the show. My friends who worked on this were not kidding when they said it was going to be very violent, boy and how it was. Very violent. It makes game of thrones look like a Disney movie by comparison that's how violent this is. Consider me hooked on this.
Darkwing duck is coming back in the new Ducktales cartoon. 

The terror that flaps in the night, the unexpected special guest returning to television animation since 1991, its Darkwing duck!!! Biggrin
Its finally here...

I said this once, and I will say it again. Screw you PPG, THIS is how you properly handle a reboot. This is what happens when you handle a property that is known by many with care(and how it does!).  This shows that the people behind it really care about the Ducktales universe, bonus points for the crew(who formerly worked on Gravity falls) to take the wheel behind this. I cannot wait for the show to appear.
there's a new adult cartoon coming to netflix called big mouth and it looks really bad
(08-24-2017, 09:45 AM)retr0pia75 Wrote: there's a new adult cartoon coming to netflix called big mouth and it looks really bad

The best voice acting ever.
(08-24-2017, 10:35 AM)Hajime Wrote:
(08-24-2017, 09:45 AM)retr0pia75 Wrote: there's a new adult cartoon coming to netflix called big mouth and it looks really bad

The best voice acting ever.

Once again, someone has decided to go for the immature/Seth Macfarlane route to producing adult cartoons. If you want good examples of 'adult animation'. Look at Ralph Bakshi, look at japanese animation from Hayo Miyakzai, as well as the recent stuff like Rick and Morty and Netflix's Castlevania. This is just a late attempt of a genre of ripping off that should've been dead years ago.
(08-24-2017, 11:09 AM)CLXcool Wrote:
(08-24-2017, 10:35 AM)Hajime Wrote:
(08-24-2017, 09:45 AM)retr0pia75 Wrote: there's a new adult cartoon coming to netflix called big mouth and it looks really bad

The best voice acting ever.

Once again, someone has decided to go for the immature/Seth Macfarlane route to producing adult cartoons. If you want good examples of 'adult animation'. Look at Ralph Bakshi, look at japanese animation from Hayo Miyakzai, as well as the recent stuff like Rick and Morty and Netflix's Castlevania. This is just a late attempt of a genre of ripping off that should've been dead years ago.

even the way the characters move is eerily similar to family guy (if that makes sense)
^Yes it does make sense. Its its about as bland and lifeless as Family guy is. I wouldn't be surprised if anyone who worked on family guy worked on this.
This is a really weird note but I just rewatched the Disney Hercules movie and the editing is really awful in that. I mean, continuity just doesn't exist, punches feel impapctless a bunch of the time. and the pacing of scenes is all over the place. I always really liked it growing up too but watching it now as an editor it's so weird noticing how much shit just teleports around between takes. They also use every stock sound effect in the book, pretty sure crowd_shock_and_awe_4.wav is used a few times.

James Woods is great tho so all in all 7/10 solid flick.
^I haven't seen Hercules since I was a kid. I've read that's the one of the films that Ron Clements and John Musker(the directors) don't seem to talk about much. Bit of an interesting trivia here. Gerald Scarfe(a political cartoonist who is mostly known for animating the animated sequences in 'Pink Floyd's The wall') was apart of the production of Hercules as a production designer.

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