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Did You Know Gaming Live Stream 1 (2013/28/9)
From the first Did You Know Gaming live stream broadcasted on 9/28/2013 on, here's a brief of the questions asked by people to JonTron and Shane (DYKG) and some interesting notes. The games played during the stream were Super Mario World, Battlefield 3, Chivalry and Donkey Kong Country 2.

Part 1 - (Backup link)
Part 2 - (Backup link)
Part 3 - (Backup links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10)

Part 1

Q: How'd you two meet?
Shane: Alright, about two years ago I posted some of my art on the Normal Boots forums and Jon sent me a message asking me to make some art for Normal Boots, and I designed the logo and the text and all the web design for Normal Boots.
Jon: (Jon returns) What?
Shane: People just asked how we met and I just told them.
Jon: Yeah actually, how we met is the weirdest goddamn thing.
Shane: Yeah, you explain it. You'll be better than me.
Jon: Alright, this is what happened. I started Normal Boots with Austin [Peanut Butter Gamer] and we had a forum that its main purpose was being spammed with porn all day and before it completely got to that level, Shane actually signed up and posted some of his pixel art and I was like "I need this man", so I asked him to do ... what did I ask you to do first?
Shane: You were planning on making a game.
Jon: That's right! We were going to make that game, Dazaroop. Oh my god, hold on I still ...
Shane: No, no, no, no, no, way before that. It was a game with Jacques flying around.
Jon: Oh My God, You're Right! And you wanted to ...
Shane: And you were going to have like a Normal Boots flash arcade.
Jon: Yeah, oh my god. I can't believe that was ever a thing. Hold on, I have the Dazaroop files somewhere.

Jon explains how Shane started Did You Know Gaming and how he never expected it to be where it is now, and also how he's jokingly upset over how many subscribers DYKG has compared to him.

Part 3

Jon explains how he turned down a number of guest appearances because he knew people would get mad at him for not making a new video. Also how he couldn't present "Did You Know Gaming - Donkey Kong Part 2" because he was sick and how it takes an hour for him to record dialogue for a Did You Know Gaming video.

Q: Will Jon ever be a guest Grump on Game Grumps?
Jon: It's funny, cause I'm pretty sure I was ...
Shane: He's pretty sure he f***ing ran that show.

Jon discusses how he realized Evel Knievel only recently died and how he always thought he had passed away decades ago based on how people talked of him.

Q: What's your favorite moment in [The Legend of Zelda] Ocarina of Time?
Jon: My favorite moment in Ocarina of Time, I would have to say is [sic] all the moments leading up to, like, adult Link, especially like Jabu Jabu's Belly, like Zora's Domain. I f***ing love those parts.

Jon explains how finding out in Donkey Kong Country 3 that Wrinkly Kong is playing the Super Mario 64 castle theme blew his mind.

Q: Jon, what's your favorite Disney movie?
Jon: Good question, honestly, it comes down to Aladdin, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, honestly Hercules. Mulan is really good. Mulan is not quite as good. The Little Mermaid is really good, but it's not one of my favorites. A lot of the earlier ones, every single god damn one. Ask me what Disney movie I don't like. That's the better question, and I don't know how to answer that one even. I guess I'm not the biggest fan of Snow White cause it's old.

Q: Shane, what's your opinion on speed running?
Shane: I like speed running cause I think it's cool.
Jon: Speed running is totally cool.
Shane: Especially when people find game breaking glitches like the Ocarina of Time speed run. [sic] Me and Jon watched live when they first discovered the Ocarina of Time glitch with the room that takes them to the very end.
Jon: We s*** our pants.
Shane: Yeah, they did it in 22 minutes or something.

Q: Jon, do you have any ideas brewing for your next video?
Shane: He already has the script done. He's done a bunch of scripts.
Jon: Yeah they're actually all, I wasn't kidding like I was working on a bunch of stuff. Most of it is pretty much, just it's all ready. It's just in pre-planning, I mean pre-production. Soon it will go into pre-production and then like, they're going to come out a lot faster than they used to. Not, I mean, it's not going to be every week or anything but it's going to be a lot faster.
Shane: Once every 3 weeks, maybe.
Jon: Yeah I think that's about an accurate measure. Two to three weeks. More like 3 now a days cause I have too much to do. Like, when I used to make the videos, I didn't make them as good for one thing and I didn't make them, I didn't have much else to do, but now ...
Shane: When Jon started JonTron, Chipotle didn't exist.
Jon: (laughs) You son of a f***ing b****.

Q: Jon, do you watch Game Grumps now?
Jon: Occasionally.

Jon goes off to turn on his Super Nintendo and plays Super Mario World to prove that he's actually good at the game and that it's the lag that's annoying him in the stream.

Q: Shane, have you met anyone from Sumo Digital?
Shane: No, but we might be interviewing them soon. We did, we traveled up to Team 17 who made Worms, a few weeks ago. We did an interview with them. That'll be going up onto the channel in like a week.
Jon: I love Team 17.
Shane: Yeah, really cool guys.
Jon: Were they nice?
Shane: Yeah they were all, just like really chilled out and like it was easy to talk to them.
Jon: Did they say 'wanker' a lot?
Shane: (laughs) No, they didn't swear.

Q: Shane, how did you meet WeeklyTubeShow?
Shane: I actually know WeeklyTubeShow from like 8 years ago. We used to go to a forum called PixelTendo.
Jon: What is WeeklyTubeShow?
Shane: My friend Joshua who does dubs of like Dragon Ball Z and ...
Jon: (high pitched) Joshua. It's Nilbog. It's Goblin spelled backwards.

[Note: WeeklyTubeShow is the channel name, not the name of any personality. Shane used this wording for simplicity's sake. WeeklyTubeShow is ran by Joshua AKA RemixSprites.]

Q: Shane, do people come to you asking to do a voice over for Did You Know Gaming?
Shane: Yes, that's how most people, like they just randomly drop me emails, besides Jon because I knew Jon anyway and I was like "Jon, do you want to do one of these?" and he said "Yes".

Q: Shane, did you know your name is an Irish variation of Jon?
Shane: Yes I did.
Jon: What!?
Shane: Shane is Irish for Jon.
Jon: Whaaaaaaat?
Shane: And that's where the name comes from.
Jon: Oh my god dude. Are we related now?
Shane: (laughs) Well you're part Irish.
Jon: Am I? I always thought I wasn't.
Shane: What? That's what you told me.
Jon: What?
Shane: You told me you were part Irish.
Jon: No, I never said that.
Shane: You did. You said you were part Irish and part Persian.
Jon: No, I'm half Hungarian.
Shane: Alright.
Jon: Or Yugoslavian? Yogoslavian or Hungarian, I don't f***ing remember. It's f***ing annoying because my mom lived in one and was the other and I can't f***ing ever remember. It's the thing I'm so sick of not being able to remember that I should write it down in my f***ing wallet. I'm going to do that, I'm going to call my mom and be like "What are you?"
Shane: (laughs) What are you?
Jon: What even are you?
Shane: Don't like give any explanation. Just phone and say "What are you even?"
Jon: (laughs) "What are you".

Q: What happened to Leftovers and Region Locked?
Shane: They're still being made currently. The problem was I'm not editing them, Leftovers, so the person who is editing Leftovers had to learn how to edit and that's why it's being delayed. That's basically it but that should be going up in the next few weeks. ProJared will be voicing Leftovers by the way ...
Jon: The editor had to learn how to edit? What does that mean?
Shane: Yeah, he didn't know how to edit videos so he's been learning how to edit videos.
Jon: Wait, who?
Shane: Dazz.
Jon: Oh, I thought you were talking about me or something.

Jon takes 4 shots to compensate for not drinking when Shane already was.

Q: Shane, are you going to do Did You Know Gaming on F-Zero?
Shane: At some point yes.
Jon: F-Zero?
Shane: Yeah. F-zero is cool, why not. At some point, yeah. People always say "Are you going to do a video on this franchise?" it's like "Yes, at some point".
Jon: Well not every single one.
Shane: People usually request only popular games though.
Jon: F-Zero is great.

Q: Favorite TV show
Shane: I'd say mine's probably Game of Thrones.
Jon: Really?
Shane: Yeah. Fun fact, Sean Bean grew up 4 miles from my house. The guy who plays Ned Stark. That's why I kind of sound like I'm from Game of Thrones.
Jon: Yeah, yeah you do sound like you're from Game of Thrones.

Jon shows an image of him and friends at the San Francisco gay pride parade with a naked man.

Q: Jon, who are your inspirations?
Jon: I have many inspirations. Jerry Sienfield, Larry David, Billy Joel, Tim & Eric, AVGN, who else Mega 64, Carl Sagan, Bill Nye the Science Guy, those are my inspirations. (Shane laughs) You think I'm kidding? I'm not.
Shane: I can see the influence of Carl Sagan in your videos Jon, definitely.
Jon: I make so many references to Carl Sagan.
Shane: Billions and billions and billions.
Jon: Humans have been around only for the last second of the last month of the cosmic calendar. What does it mean for Earth, the pale blue dot? F***ing love Carl Sagan.

Q: Will you ever review Birdemic 2?
Jon: Mmm I don't wanna, (groans) I don't wanna talk about it. That's for me to know and for you to find out.
Shane: So that's a yes.
Jon: Shut up.

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