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Gaming news
So...The Game Awards! ...I Guess?
While they did announce a couple cool-ish games and Iwata's tribute was nice, the rest was mostly boring and awkward.

...better luck next year...?

Another dick move from Konami.
(12-03-2015, 11:40 PM)CLXcool Wrote:

Another dick move from Konami.

Might be the next game company I'm going to completely refuse to buy games from anymore.
Sony Just confirmed Dark Cloud is coming to the PS4 tomorrow. PSX doesn't even need to happen now, I'm done. There's a list of other stuff as well, but for me, none of it matters as much:
(12-04-2015, 05:54 PM)RepentantSky Wrote: Sony Just confirmed Dark Cloud is coming to the PS4 tomorrow. PSX doesn't even need to happen now, I'm done. There's a list of other stuff as well, but for me, none of it matters as much:

I'm assuming that if Dark Cloud does well, they will relese Dark Cloud 2: Dark Chronicle. That's the only explanation I can think of to release one and not the other when the other is the better and more popular (from what I hear).
(12-04-2015, 07:00 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote:
(12-04-2015, 05:54 PM)RepentantSky Wrote: Sony Just confirmed Dark Cloud is coming to the PS4 tomorrow. PSX doesn't even need to happen now, I'm done. There's a list of other stuff as well, but for me, none of it matters as much:

I'm assuming that if Dark Cloud does well, they will relese Dark Cloud 2: Dark Chronicle. That's the only explanation I can think of to release one and not the other when the other is the better and more popular (from what I hear).

One would think so, but then again maybe not. Rouge Galaxy is also on that list which means DC 2 is the only Level 5 PS2 game not coming to the PS4. It's possible they just want to release it now, and then do DC 2 some months later when people have played the first one a lot and the sales slow down.
Really happy that Rouge Galaxy is coming to PS4.

I always wanted to play that, but fate seemed to always make the game £20 when I saw it on shelves, and made it really difficult to emulate, so this is perfect for me.

Now if they did God Hand, with trophy support and a Platinum at that, I honestly think I'd stop hating Sony for stupid petty reasons that I do.
Heads up. System Shock 3 is happening. I'm currently in "What?" mode.

Please let this happen Rare, please.
So... Silent Hill Wikia is being shot to pieces by its own admin. This has got to be one of the most ridiculous and idiotic things I've seen in recent memory. One of the things that annoy me the most in this world are people who can't be reasoned with because they are too thick to listen to anybody but themselves.
Someone should check on him. It sounds like he's having a breakdown.
(12-17-2015, 02:21 PM)Mass Distraction Wrote: So... Silent Hill Wikia is being shot to pieces by its own admin. This has got to be one of the most ridiculous and idiotic things I've seen in recent memory. One of the things that annoy me the most in this world are people who can't be reasoned with because they are too thick to listen to anybody but themselves.

I've lost count how many times I've ran into people who think like that(cough Kyle carrozza cough).
Is everything Silent Hill related going to die from stupid stuff like this?

Are all our Silent Hill games going to succumb to disc rot, and all iso's on the interent and computers going to be deleted?

Is Silent Hill just going to disappear?

This just in. New Yu-gi-oh games are coming in for the smartphone, PC, and Nintendo 3DS.
That's nothing new. The game itself is, but that they were pushing for something like this is known.

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