XBL- TheTrueBoss997
PSN- Solid_Snake99
Steam- Cry Some More
PokeMMO- TheTrueBoss997
Xbox Live - Squid Wanderer
Steam - Supersquid64
(03-18-2013, 12:39 PM)Lightmatt Wrote: [ -> ]Updated except for Kat, because I can't figured out what 'PW' is.
The only PW that I know of outside of Phoenix Wright is Perfect World. I could be wrong.
Minecraft name: johndeere47
Yeah, that's all I'm gonna show 0-0
add me on the list
PSN: Deadlygunner18
XBL: LegendaryLucas8
Steam: thescottishgamer
Xbox live: XSuperZombie55X
Hit me up if you ever want a game of WWE. I still have them all except 2009 because I am a huge wrestling mark XP.
GT: lesomaface
I'm usually not on, but when I'm on, I'm playing either Minecraft or something else from my game collection.
In preparation for the arrival of my PS3, I went ahead and made a new PSN account: (Cause I can't remember my login for the other account.)
PSN: Combat_Lobster
And yes I will update the list. Soon.
I never play any online games but here goes.
Xbox live: ThisBlueSquid
PSN: strangeguru
Who's up for PS All Stars, PS home and LittleBigPlanet?
(04-05-2013, 03:25 AM)strangeguru Wrote: [ -> ]Brilliant
PSN: strangeguru
Who's up for PS All Stars, PS home and LittleBigPlanet?
If it's LBP2 then sure. I just brought it yesterday.
Could you change mine to KitCatBard?
Holy crap everyone! The list is back up to date.