I find this way more hilarious than it has a right to be, but probably because I have a good imagination of how squeaky this girls voice would be saying that.
![[Image: KriPueD.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/KriPueD.jpg)
^^Pegasus would be the wicked stepmother or the Fairy Godmother or both because why the fuck not.
(06-06-2014, 07:47 PM)GameWizard001 Wrote: [ -> ]^^Pegasus would be the wicked stepmother or the Fairy Godmother or both because why the fuck not.
Tea would be the fairy godmother. Pegasus would be wicked stepmother. Chazz, Zane, and Yuma would be step sisters.
![[Image: hF6426D12]](https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8211290880/hF6426D12/)
One of the funniest e3 related gifs I've seen in a while. Thanks to tumblr
![[Image: tumblr_mn6jj9d6i01qioyygo1_500.gif]](https://24.media.tumblr.com/bb5cb38ac4f0adb5d92282c809285ad0/tumblr_mn6jj9d6i01qioyygo1_500.gif)
Just about to watch the 9th episode of Game of Thrones and then I see this...I'm usually a fan of irony but this is too much.
![[Image: 10437436_10152502659749617_7302629985930096668_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10437436_10152502659749617_7302629985930096668_n.jpg)