
Full Version: Barrel-Cat Gaming Podcast
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The cast has been picked out (guests will be rolling in after a few episodes).
We came up with a name, but I want to sleep on it (but I think I will be sticking with it).
We will be doing a practice run this week and hopefully the 1st episode will come out this weekend!
Every episode will be live on Discord and anyone can listen in. Text channel will be open for all (voice is blocked of course). Edited versions will be uploaded to SoundCloud for a free download and also on YouTube.
The links for all of the accounts (SoundCloud, YouTube, Twitter...) will be shown here. Scheduling will be decided soon (we have our eyes set on Friday evenings) and will have the link to listen live on the twitter account before we start recording.

Cast was decided on availability and coverage. First guest I would like Psycospacecow to join in after a few episodes.
Alright. We are planing on doing a practice recording in a few hours TONIGHT.
I need volunteers so we can test that everyone who joins the Discord channel can listen in, yet cant join in the voice part (but be able to send text messages).
If you would like to join, follow and I will be tweeting out when we record and the link for the channel.
Reminder, this is technically episode Zero and will be rough.
I found a way to never have the invite link expire!
Here is the link to the discord channel:
^ I wanted to tune in for a few minutes but Internet in my area went down for a while. Was it fun, guys?
(12-01-2016, 07:44 AM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: [ -> ]^ I wanted to tune in for a few minutes but Internet in my area went down for a while. Was it fun, guys?

I think we ended up gassing for two hours, with some excellent Spanish and synth.
(12-01-2016, 09:51 AM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-01-2016, 07:44 AM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: [ -> ]^ I wanted to tune in for a few minutes but Internet in my area went down for a while. Was it fun, guys?

I think we ended up gassing for two hours, with some excellent Spanish and synth.
Mixed with talk of Raffeal Correa, si.  Eso es una descripción perfecto.
Was very fun.
(12-01-2016, 09:53 AM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-01-2016, 09:51 AM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-01-2016, 07:44 AM)Kakariko Kid Wrote: [ -> ]^ I wanted to tune in for a few minutes but Internet in my area went down for a while. Was it fun, guys?

I think we ended up gassing for two hours, with some excellent Spanish and synth.
Mixed with talk of Raffeal Correa, si.  Eso es una descripción perfecto.
Was very fun.
Two hours? You mean 20 minutes!
I'd be down to talk about octocock enliven the discussion with my many wisdoms.
Check it out!! Episode ZERO of the Barrel-Cat Gaming Podcast is now up on soundcloud!
Rough I know, but they will get better over time!

RSS Feed and FREE DOWNLOAD is available so we can tickle your eardrums.
(download limit atm is at 100 downloads per show. If we break this limit and it keeps happening, things will change)
Can't wait to catch up on what you guys are doing when I don't work so much!

If there's ever going to be an episode with Pokemon or SMT games as a subject please count me in!
We are going live for Episode 1 at 7PM Eastern - tune in on Discord following this link

You can even hurl insults at us in the text chat box ! Whoever can make us sad will be the next guest star.
Episode 1 is uploaded on SoundCloud! This will now (hopefully) be a weekly thing.
Both CosmykTheDolfyn and I were sick so this one is a shorter one than ZERO.
We are about to go LIVE on Discord. If you have any comments or questions, you have 1 hour to send them to @barrelcatgaming on Twitter or you can email
The link to the Discord channel is on the first post on this thread.
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