Eh, dude's funny though he seems to talk a lot about things he doesn't know.
I couldn't stop laughing xD
I really enjoy watching Lanipator's LPs of Amnesia. He makes you want to take him along to any scary situation because you know that he will look past the superficial crap and find the funniest, stupidest things that are wrong with the situation and make you no longer scared or creeped out.
Zangief's name was oringanly Vodka? He and Soda Popinski need to hang out sometime.
^^ BEST Youtuber did the commentary for that vid. Watch him if you like fighting games
The epic saga of the Smash Wars continues!
For the next Megaman game, I want Zero to over throw Wily. This way Wily is not the boss and big bad of the game......... AGAIN.
Megaman 6 is my favorite out of the classic series.
Can I just tell you guys that I love the Batman Arkham games?
I'm actually excited to see these guys play RE4. I've got it for the PS2 and played the crap out of it and loved every minute of it.....let us see how they fared.
Forget the Wii Fit for working out. Kinect clearly challenges your physical ability to the greatest extent.
A short oldie but a goodie
Happy (Belated) Cinco de Mayo!
Cuccos, I have an idea of what you show have played at your wedding.
Rayman sings Tom Jones's Sexbomb.