Well hello...
i'm here 'cause im here...
i'm SimisageJittens...
comes from a Pokémon and a random word that i can even care...
You don't seem excited to be here. Looks like I gotta change that
![[Image: tumblr_ljtipqLnTu1qj60veo1_500.gif]](https://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljtipqLnTu1qj60veo1_500.gif)
I'm TJ. I love video games and I love looking up random hidden shit in games and movies, so sites like this and DYKG are perfect for me. I've been playing video games since I was 2, according to my mom. which makes sense cause I literally don't remember any part of my life where I didn't already love video games. started with an NES, and now I've got a whole bunch of crap. I want to start my own site kind of like this, or a site thats just something else about gaming, or just help out on sites like this. So I joined the forums to meet the people and see everything, and yea..
And everyone died.
The end.
T'was a beautiful story! I shed a tear.
Well hello there, I'm StabbedCat, British teenager who is obsessed with music and video games. Mainly game on the PC as I don't own a next gen console. I also am a big fan of films, especially foreign language. My favourite video games are Okami, Mirror's Edge, Katawa SHoujo, and Thief: Deadly Shadows.
(05-12-2013, 06:18 AM)StabbedCat Wrote: [ -> ]Well hello there, I'm StabbedCat, British teenager who is obsessed with music and video games. Mainly game on the PC as I don't own a next gen console. I also am a big fan of films, especially foreign language. My favourite video games are Okami, Mirror's Edge, Katawa SHoujo, and Thief: Deadly Shadows.
Your avatar is Rin from Katawa Shoujo...that's my favorite story arc from that. You have successfully earned your way onto my good side. Also welcome to the forums.
I'm Keebix. The old forum I obsessively regulared (+10,000 posts) closed down about 3 years ago thanks to terrible spam filtering and I have been out of the foruming game ever since. Because this place is relatively new I figured it would be a good place to start again fresh.
Anyway, I'm from Australia, I study marketing at University, and I dabble in video games. I've been playing Link's Awakening on my 3DS and Don't Starve on my computer recently.
I also enjoy making basic signatures on Photoshop.
Oh hai, new ppl. Here are your brochures for the site. They'll ignite later, no idea when.
I'm Beardy. I remember when it was all just fields around here.
(05-13-2013, 06:50 PM)Beardy Wrote: [ -> ]Hullo.
I'm Beardy. I remember when it was all just fields around here.
Beardy's back!!! Welcome to the new forums.
Whoa wait wait wait wait.
Everyone dogpile Beardy!
I'm not sure I'm comfortable with DOGPILES. Leaving the forum for good. Haroomph.
So, erm, who are the cool kids here now? WHERE ARE THE OLD PEOPLE AT? My hip hurts, get me a chair.
A decent number of people will remember you, but not a lot of members from those days still go here, especially with the URL switch, so be prepared to make new friends as well as see some of the old ones.