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Bonjourrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, yer chease-eating surrender monkeys! So, yeah, I'm sure you'll get to know me better out there in the forums. With that in mind, here's some basics:

From: Belgium
Born in: '88
Likes: A lot of stuff falling under the "geeky" category
Dislikes: You know, everything I dislike I actually do like because it gives me ranting pleasures ... so

Lastly: 'sup?
Welcome and all that jazz. Hope you enjoy your time here!
Alright! Glad to see more newbies popping up! Ya'll come back now, ya hear?
Oh, for some reason I didn't notice this thread and I already started posting...

Anyway let me introduce myself; I'm 22, from California and just graduated college, I enjoy long walks on the beach and talking about my feelings. Copy pasted from my dating classified ad.
Welcome one and all! Stay a while, stay forever!
If you want the new people to stay, you must use FORCE, not just say stay "forever"! Let me demonstrate:

Newbies, if any of you even THINK about leaving this cesspool, I will personally make sure Cho'Gath will drag your dead carcases into the void. YOU ALL UNDERSTAND?!?

Just kidding, welcome one and all!
(06-20-2013, 02:53 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: If you want the new people to stay, you must use FORCE, not just say stay "forever"! Let me demonstrate:

Newbies, if any of you even THINK about leaving this cesspool, I will personally make sure Cho'Gath will drag your dead carcases into the void. YOU ALL UNDERSTAND?!?

Don't make me sick Cthulhu on you ... I swear I will, just you go and watch me.
I think a giant cage would work just as well.
Welcome welcome
(06-20-2013, 02:56 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: I think a giant cage would work just as well.

If you mean Nicolas Cage ... then yes, that'll work just as well.
Welcome new people!
Welcome to the forum Spoiler.
Must resist saying spoiler alert!
Dang it...
(06-20-2013, 08:38 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: Must resist saying spoiler alert!
Dang it...

Nah, pulling the alarm to tell people I'm here might be for the best.

Isn't that right, NSA? I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS. You'll never catch me red handed again!
Lost in Nightmares, Jill :B

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