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The Free Thread *Gaming Related*
Then how would they know?
(08-24-2013, 12:19 AM)Psychospacecow Wrote: Then how would they know?

Because some douche reported him for it, probably.
it was rachet and clank me and a friend found a cool glitch to go out of the map and had fun we were not glitching for trophies because we both have the plat. Playstation thought we were glitching trophies but i had to show them wrong. Im pretty pissed i just got payday 2 to play online now i cant.
Good luck with that man.
Just finished Skies of Arcadia, 65 or so hours in.

I think it's now my favourite game of all time.

I wish people here played it, or talked about it more...
So, me and my mom were talking about Assassin's Creed this afternoon, when she brought up AC4. She asked me when it was coming out and I told her in October. I think I know what I'm getting for my birthday in December.

Also, explaining the order of AC games is so hard as she keeps forgetting. My brother in law got into AC and is now on the 3rd game (brotherhood), and I had to tell her that AC3 (the one I am replying at the moment) was the 5th game. I keep telling myself not to show her Kingdom Hearts.
(08-24-2013, 06:37 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: Just finished Skies of Arcadia, 65 or so hours in.

I think it's now my favourite game of all time.

I wish people here played it, or talked about it more...

I bought it but never played it. I should do that ><

Yes, yes you should.

[Image: SOA_11.jpg]

Skies is a pretty amazing game.
^ Images won't post unless they're in their proper format (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, etc.).

I got a couple of games on steam over the weekend. Bought Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Both for $19.98 ($9.99 a piece). Today, I sunk in almost 2 hours in Vegas 2 and yesterday I sunk in almost an hour in Vice City.
Assassin's Creed Manga, written by the guy who did "Welcome to the N.H.K."?

[Image: th?id=H.4658090737796003&pid=1.7]

Why am I just finding out about the cool things and why can't I find a way to buy them?
(08-25-2013, 01:28 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: ^

Yes, yes you should.

[Image: SOA_11.jpg]

Skies is a pretty amazing game.

[Image: ihT563s.jpg]
Here is your fixed image, sir.

And It does look pretty good, But it looks PC, and I can't play PC games cause my LapTop is stupid and not good.
(08-25-2013, 09:00 PM)ThisGuyInTheSuit Wrote: [Image: ihT563s.jpg]
Here is your fixed image, sir.

And It does look pretty good, But it looks PC, and I can't play PC games cause my LapTop is stupid and not good.

It's actully a Dreamcast game that was ported over to Gamecube. Never played it but it's on my To Do list.
Wait? What?

You guys can't see the image I posted?

I can?
(08-21-2013, 05:40 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: [Image: agyN4bK_460sa_v1.gif]

Snake is awesome.

How about a drunk snake?

(08-21-2013, 08:50 PM)JiraiyaSannin Wrote:
(08-21-2013, 05:40 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: Snake is awesome.

That's is either fake or someone has too much skill at Snake.

My cousin used to do that on most of his runs. Then again, he played it all the time, too.

Yes, I'm gone for a week and only reply to the snake discussion.
MGS4 is becoming my favorite game. I just beat the part where you revisit Shadow Moses Island and it was simply amazing. I only played Metal Gear Solid a few months ago, but I was still overwhelmed. And the face camo you unlock that's the PS1 style low-res low-poly is awesome.

(08-26-2013, 12:18 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: Wait? What?

You guys can't see the image I posted?

I can?

I can see it too.

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