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The Walking Thread (SPOILERS!!)
For a while he actually looked a bit more like his comic book counterpart.

[Image: walking-dead-the-governor.jpg]
Sunday's episode has to of been one of the best episodes of the season and maybe the entire show! In ways, I still hate the governor, but man it was nice to see him so low from the massacre that happened in season 3 (note: I'm leaving out certain details on purpose and being as vague as possible to leave out spoilers).
And yet, my friend thinks.

"this was the worst episode, it was so boring. I don't care for the Governor"

He is not a smart boy.
(11-19-2013, 02:47 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: And yet, my friend thinks.

"this was the worst episode, it was so boring. I don't care for the Governor"

He is not a smart boy.

Let me guess. This guy can only pay attention to thing when there is action going on every few minutes and hates to watch any sort of character development. I had to live with one of these for awhile. I now appreciate CoD and MW a little more, but I also have a voice to mock the fan bases with.

The Governor is one of those characters that is enjoyable to watch as you can see gears turning in his head, planing the next move he will make. The idea of chess in this episode is a great way of showing off his character. People who really don't like slow games or don't have the attention span to play chess don't get it, but if you look hard enough you can see a plan forming in his head.

Also I was not trying to insult your friend (it kinda sounded like I was). That's just how people I've had to deal with have been acting.
The secret behind Walking Dead is revealed!
(11-18-2013, 03:59 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: I will now rename The Governor to The Captain for this post, as he looks way to much like a pirate to me.

(1)This whole episode makes me want to care about The Captain but I really don't. These people may last long but if he does not do something to get them killed, I will really believe that he wants to change. I don't care what they want me to believe, you can't make someone mow down half the town and than say "Oh, well this guy has turned over a new leaf." Right and Hitler only killed a few people.

I really want to like this episode, because it is really well done and I love seeing the human side of characters that we know a little about. I love how he basically talks to the little girl about Chess and he describing what he did/is doing and she draws the eye-patch on the king piece. The grandfather on the oxygen tank makes me think of how well my step-father would have survived this if he was still alive (irony, I guess, since the character died). (2)I want to think that The Captain will take the girls to Rick and the group to make them save (as far as he knows), but (3)"I'm a 'glass half full' kinda guy."

Like I said I want to like this episode but there is this nagging feeling that this episode is going to bite these girls in the ass by the mid season finally.

1- I don't trust him. He may be temporarily good(ish), but it's just that- temporary. He's lost his mind quite a bit and I think we'll see some back and forth struggle with that until he finally fully snaps. My friend thinks he's changed for good. We've got a bet going.

2- That's the best we can hope for. Maybe at the end he tells the girls to go to the prison, that they'll be safe there, and goes his own way.

[Image: I-see-what-you-did-there.jpg]

This episode as a whole made me very uncomfortable. It was an amazing episode, and i'm excited that we got to see what was happening to the Governor. But seeing him as somewhat of a good guy was very uncomfortable to watch.

I'm wondering if we'll actually get to see Rick and Daryl's conversation about Carol before the mid season finale. The writers are good about taking what the fans want and shitting on it. Especially Daryl fans (Kirkman himself said numerous times that he would kill off Daryl just because of his fans). Tons of people want Carol and Daryl to get together (Caryl), but I never did. I love their relationship as bros. But I don't want this to drag on anymore. I hope the next episode isn't all Martinez and his group. I hope we get to see our people too.

(11-19-2013, 03:15 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote:
(11-19-2013, 02:47 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: And yet, my friend thinks.

"this was the worst episode, it was so boring. I don't care for the Governor"

He is not a smart boy.

Let me guess. This guy can only pay attention to thing when there is action going on every few minutes and hates to watch any sort of character development. I had to live with one of these for awhile. I now appreciate CoD and MW a little more, but I also have a voice to mock the fan bases with.

The Governor is one of those characters that is enjoyable to watch as you can see gears turning in his head, planing the next move he will make. The idea of chess in this episode is a great way of showing off his character. People who really don't like slow games or don't have the attention span to play chess don't get it, but if you look hard enough you can see a plan forming in his head.

Also I was not trying to insult your friend (it kinda sounded like I was). That's just how people I've had to deal with have been acting.

That's a great way to put it. As much as I hate the Governor*, we need a character like him. And we need to be uncomfortable when we watch. And we need to see things happen slowly.

*I do not hate the Governor as a character. I hate him as a person if he were real. He makes my blood boil, which is exactly what his character is supposed to do.
(11-18-2013, 03:59 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: This whole episode makes me want to care about The Governor but I really don't. These people may last long but if he does not do something to get them killed, I will really believe that he wants to change. I don't care what they want me to believe, you can't make someone mow down half the town and than say "Oh, well this guy has turned over a new leaf."

(skip to 0:12)

Welcome back Governor. I knew you hadn't changed much.
Yeah, he's acting retarded.

"hurr i want to 5get past, let me burn pics to show dis"
"oh shit let me get revenge on the ppl from my past"

I can understand killing the first guy, but the second guy just to be leader, he's just acting retarded right now, and it's going to come back to him. He'll die by the end of Season 4.

Oh and fuck Mid Season Finales.
I got to give my buddy Makk the big I TOLD YOU SO after last night's episode.

Any theories on who's going to die this week? Mid-season finale.
(11-25-2013, 10:28 AM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote: I got to give my buddy Makk the big I TOLD YOU SO after last night's episode.

Any theories on who's going to die this week? Mid-season finale.

My theory on whos going to die is:
Nameless character #8-27

I wanted to put Bob and Tyreese on the list but they seem to have a story to be told. Even though I want Bob to die, I think him and his drinking is going to be plot realavent. Tyreese isn't going to die because we need the token black guy on the show (besides Bob).

It's not like I want Beth to die, I just know to expect when a popular charicter is going to die.

OH. and Meghan is going to get shot or something which is going to trigger a PTSD-type thing in The Governor.
(11-25-2013, 10:28 AM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote: I got to give my buddy Makk the big I TOLD YOU SO after last night's episode.

Any theories on who's going to die this week? Mid-season finale.

Knowing the Walking Dead. Everyone I like.
This episode is so awsome but I hate it so much.

I was right about Meghan, but the Gov did not have long to have that PTSD moment. I really thought he would stick around alot longer. I love the shot with the king being stomped on. Check mate, Philip/Brian.

Hershel? Why Hershel?

What happened to Judith? It looks like she's dead but she's missing from the momrial for the Talking Dead.
Oh, I was close. They killed Hershel, but a few characters still remain, doesn't matter though. I've stopped caring for anyone's death now.

I laughed the same way I did in the last episode of Breaking Bad, when Daryl threw the Grenade in the Tank. It was just too perfect, and when the two girls shot at the two people trying to kill Tyrese. I always like when kids have to act like adults in situations like that. I liked it in the Last of Us, I like it in Walking Dead.

Also, what happened to Michone? One minute she is killing the Governor to save Rick's life, the next she is gone. It seems kind of weird how everyone.

I like how everyone is split up too, it'll add different side stories to the show, Rick may even find Carol, knowing The Walking Dead.

Also, fuck Mid season finales.
It wasn't a bad episode, only one good character died, oh and the nameless guy with the Sniper Rifle, I liked him before he was shot.
(12-01-2013, 10:41 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: This episode is so awesome but I hate it so much.
^^^ This. This is how I feel.

2- Obviously- ROT IN HELL, GOVERNOR.
3- I won't believe Judith is dead until I see a body, baby walker, or Robert Kirkman himself says so.
4- I still think Creepy Lizzie was the one feeding rats to the walkers. I think she also dissected the rat in the prison.
5- I was surprised when her and her sister shot those people that were trying to kill Tyreese. I thought it was a great addition to the scene. Showing actual children killing live people shows what kind of a world they are living in now.
6- I LOOOVED the walker coming up from the mud. I thought that was very unique.

There's more, but that's all I can type right now.
Fuck! I forgot that the episode airs there a few hours before it airs here and now I have spoiled myself.

(11-25-2013, 11:48 AM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: Jeanette


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