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At the Movies!
I have finally seen so many movies that I have actually already seen every movie shown on a major channel during the next weekend. Achievement unlocked?
I thought this would be a thread dedicated to Roger & Ebert. I am thoroughly disappointed.
^From sensible to one of the least sensible horror movies ever, I just watched the new Evil Dead. I went into it being a big Evil Dead fan and I must admit, they totally delivered and gave me that great Evil Dead experience I was wanting. All the references to previous movies were candy for my eyes. I'd say... 8.5/10. And trust me, that's a really good number from me.
Just saw Despicable Me 2. Thought it was good, I liked the original more, but it was a really good film though.
Watched the Last House on the Left remake. Just your typical violence against women and then revenge film, but the parents were awesome. I think from what I heard the original was actually a lot sadder.
Is there anything worth watching at the cinema at the moment?
We're (still) going through our DVD collection from A-Z. We're on N at the moment and tonight's movie is the Neverending Story :D
We watched Network last night, which I still find to be a film with about 20 minutes of great content, and 100 minutes of boring drivel.

But seriously, check out some of these rants... They're great.

I recently watched Commando and Escape from LA on Netflix. They were both exactly what I expected and I loved every second of it. I just wish I could easily watch (read: watch for free) Escape from New York, because that's supposed to actually be good, unlike it's similarly named sequel.

And Dredd. Two words. Holy shit.
Curse of Chucky was friggin' amazing! It was just as good as Bride of Chucky, which previously was my favorite in the series. Now I need to watch the first two Child's Play movies.

I really liked the fact that they went back to pure horror from comedy/horror. I wasn't a big fan of Seed of Chucky.
I'm watching Nacho Libre, loved as a kid and I still do now.
Please, please tell me someone has seen Frozen. I made a thread and got no reply. There's gotta be someone here who likes this amazing movie.
Man of Steel honestly wasn't as great as everyone makes it out to be. At least not to a person whose knowledge on Supe consists of the first three seasons of Smallville and a couple of episodes of a cartoon from the 80s.
I heard that a lot from people on memebase's superhero section, something about almost leveling a city or something.
(12-08-2013, 11:57 AM)Psychospacecow Wrote: I heard that a lot from people on memebase's superhero section, something about almost leveling a city or something.

In Man of Steel? There was some gravitational device the Kryptonians were using to change the planet to a new Krypton and started using it in the middle of Metropolis.

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