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Final Fantasy comes to an end for Sony

I had a feeling this was bound to happen sooner or later. Thoughts anyone?
Hopefully Microsoft doesn't buy those. That's really all of the thoughts I have right now.
I do hope Nintendo gets their hands on the FF series. That way it could open a few doors.
At least that could mean some new third party Wii U games. They need those. Desperately.
Square Enix Eidos certainly has a good stake in Nintendo's handheld market, so there's always hope with that.
Well, that kinda of sucks but I knew it was coming eventually.
I hope it does lead to some Wii U third party games. The Wii u could use a bit of a boost of Kingdom Hearts 3 or anything original from Square.
Sony confirmed Junk Status
Selling of buildings and the Playstations original building
Vita isn't selling at all
PS4 is starting to stagnate.
Final Fantasy comes to an end for Sony

This ain't looking good guys.
Square is going to need a miracle if they are going to get out of this mess. A big miracle at best.
(04-19-2014, 05:23 PM)CLXcool Wrote: Square is going to need a miracle if they are going to get out of this mess. A big miracle at best.

Well if they finally release FF XV (or XIII Versus if anyone even cares what name they called their equivalent of Last Guardian) in a timely manner (ie this year, which I doubt and Kingdom Hearts 3 (which is another "In Development" title.

Honestly, I get that some companies either haven't devoted the time and energy as well as resources for titles like these due to other projects, but when you keep shelling out games no one wanted (All the FF XIII games) over games that people actually do (All the other games just mentioned), then you are you're own worst enemy. You wonder why your company is slowly failing and one of your most known contributors jumped ship? It's because the games you make now are not as good as games made in the past and the ones that were good you just left alone and behind. Hell, I guarantee if Square invested the resources needed to make a remake of FF7 like EVERY SINGLE PS FAN WANTS!, they would make an obscene amount of money.
Not remaking FF7 is one of the absolute stupidest decisions ever made. That's an obscene amount of money they literally just threw away. Even people who usually don't like Final Fantasy loved FF7.
Its square's fault that they shot themselves in the foot big time here. We all know that Square has screwed themselves here by doing Final Fantasy sequels(some of which are uncalled for sequels) that 95% of the gaming community didn't ask for. I'm not counting the demand from the crazy fans of Final Fantasy, just regular normal(if thats even a word to the fans of the gaming community) gamers.

Square should do other things that would really send the money rolling in for their company. Like doing a new chrono trigger game, a FF7 HD remake(we all know gamers are asking for that one), let Nintendo use Geno(as well as the other things that they contributed to creating Super Mario RPG that they own since we all know that Square isn't doing squat with what they created for the game), take a risk with a few original ideas, and make games for the Nintendo console as well. It baffles me that Square is just sitting on an the idea of an HD remake of one of the most popular games in Final Fantasy, yet, they are blinded by the fact that they don't see the money in it. 'Technology not being ready' to remake the game my ass. Thats just an excuse for Square saying 'duh, we don't think its profitable, so we are just gonna make endless sequels to the series that nobody asked for instead'.
Well, it wouldn't be profitable to remake Final Fantasy 7. Its probably available on the playstation store, it is available on Steam, and people who talk about it probably already have it. The only demographic that's guaranteed are Nintendo and Xbox console owners and that's a serious gamble considering, A. many people with either of those could easily have a ps3, ps1, or computer, and B. those who don't are probably kids who don't know jack squat about Final Fantasy that doesn't involve pink hair.

Their marketing and even game style is centered at its core towards Japanese pop culture, and Japan has been their core demographic. Its been like that for a while, even before the culture dictated the style. Don't believe me? Mystic Quest was released to the western world because the people making Final Fantasy thought their game was too complex for people outside their country. If that doesn't say they're catering to the demographics of Japan, I don't know what will.
Just because Sony sold it's shares doesn't mean it's FF games aren't going to be on Sony systems anymore. If they weren't on them, Square would have had to drop the franchise a long time ago.
I love how this thread went from the original point about Sony being in financial pickle to people assuming it's Square who's in trouble.

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