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The Free Gaming Thread v2 : Electric Boogaloo
Oh wow... I almost broke Rayman Legends. I both died AND got the required amount of Lums I needed on a Daily Challenge at the exact same time. The game brought me to the results screen while it tried to restart the level in the background. Thankfully it counted my score since it was that run that got me a gold medal! Thank goodness since it was pretty difficult today. I got like 43 seconds when I first started and slowly got it down to 31.

There is a pigeon dating game. I kind of want to play it for some reason.
(09-07-2014, 08:33 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote:

There is a pigeon dating game. I kind of want to play it for some reason.

Hatoful Boyfriend is as old as Katawa Shoujo (I think it's older). I have yet to play the former, but if it's anything the later, well, it's going to be something.
[Image: 1393433861311.jpg]

Finally understand this image after playing DMC4. I thought it was something he said, but holy fuck the actual music in the game? Hahaha.

The funniest part was that there was a slow part of silence where I didn't hit anthing so all I heard was "The time has come and so have I" while my brother watched and we both just laughed.

Also, holy shit Bumble, you're a fucking pro at DMC holy shit, actually beating Hell and Hell mode.You ever beaten a Hard KMS run on God Hand?

At least I can take solace in the fact I'm better than you at Halo ;)
Dreamcast's 15th Birthday today, if anyone cares apart from me.
Did some Punch Out challenges yesterday. What I found funny was that Bear Hugger seriously said "I'm gonna hit him so hard, he's gonna see Northern Carolina."
(09-08-2014, 04:17 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: [Image: 1393433861311.jpg]

Finally understand this image after playing DMC4. I thought it was something he said, but holy fuck the actual music in the game? Hahaha.

The funniest part was that there was a slow part of silence where I didn't hit anthing so all I heard was "The time has come and so have I" while my brother watched and we both just laughed.

Also, holy shit Bumble, you're a fucking pro at DMC holy shit, actually beating Hell and Hell mode.You ever beaten a Hard KMS run on God Hand?

At least I can take solace in the fact I'm better than you at Halo ;)

Oh my that song. You'd think that that 5 years on and nearly 250+ hours in DMC4 I'd be bored of it, but nope. Still just as good as ever. Funnily enough I took a break from DMC4 in 2010 and yet I knew the words when I came back to it. When I have a friend over I bug him by slowly whispering the words and going into the full song. It's a little joke among the Truestylers too.
"Please, no combo videos with never Surrender. Thanks"
I really should remove that song from my iPod too.

Also, dammit I'll do Halo eventually. Man, those achievements are worth 0 Gamerscore though :(

Haven't played God Hand in a long time but I'm gonna go through it again soon.

(09-09-2014, 01:37 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: Dreamcast's 15th Birthday today, if anyone cares apart from me.

AdamKoralik giving his CreamDast a birthday cake.
Yeah, he does that shit every year.

In other news bought an Xbox One and Destiny, so that's something. It makes a weird crackling noise on the menu, nothing to worry about from what I've seen but it should be fine. Totally set for The Master Chief Collection.

I wonder if I really did try at Devil May Cry instead of just force my way through the bosses would I be half as good as you? Also, from losing that boss battle about 30 fucking times with that Bat bitch in DMC3 I can actually finish it now in a couple of minute easily, it's not that hard when I think about it. Attack the bats, Devil Trigger when she's down, Air Hike back and then just use Trickster to get to her again and repeat, then when she kisses you just devil trigger that bit and you're golden.
(09-09-2014, 02:59 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: Yeah, he does that shit every year.

In other news bought an Xbox One and Destiny, so that's something. It makes a weird crackling noise on the menu, nothing to worry about from what I've seen but it should be fine. Totally set for The Master Chief Collection.

I wonder if I really did try at Devil May Cry instead of just force my way through the bosses would I be half as good as you? Also, from losing that boss battle about 30 fucking times with that Bat bitch in DMC3 I can actually finish it now in a couple of minute easily, it's not that hard when I think about it. Attack the bats, Devil Trigger when she's down, Air Hike back and then just use Trickster to get to her again and repeat, then when she kisses you just devil trigger that bit and you're golden.

To be honest, it's just spending the time to learn how a lot of these games work. At first it's hard. Bosses they have their own patterns. In all honesty it does slightly come down to learning frame data but it's mostly on execution. Once you have that down, it comes down to having fun and taking the piss. Bosses aren't even hard to the point that you start to style on them.

Easy tips to remember, not to hard to learn and will help:
1) Dante is invincible if he jumps. So if an attack is heading towards you, just jump and you'll be completely fine.
2) Neros Table hopping is exactly same...if not more stylish.
[Image: rightbackatyabtch.gami9fxe.gif]

If you ever want help on DMC or any other games like this(even God Hand), feel free to ask.
(09-09-2014, 04:20 PM)BumblebeeCody Wrote:
(09-09-2014, 02:59 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: Yeah, he does that shit every year.

In other news bought an Xbox One and Destiny, so that's something. It makes a weird crackling noise on the menu, nothing to worry about from what I've seen but it should be fine. Totally set for The Master Chief Collection.

I wonder if I really did try at Devil May Cry instead of just force my way through the bosses would I be half as good as you? Also, from losing that boss battle about 30 fucking times with that Bat bitch in DMC3 I can actually finish it now in a couple of minute easily, it's not that hard when I think about it. Attack the bats, Devil Trigger when she's down, Air Hike back and then just use Trickster to get to her again and repeat, then when she kisses you just devil trigger that bit and you're golden.

To be honest, it's just spending the time to learn how a lot of these games work. At first it's hard. Bosses they have their own patterns. In all honesty it does slightly come down to learning frame data but it's mostly on execution. Once you have that down, it comes down to having fun and taking the piss. Bosses aren't even hard to the point that you start to style on them.

Easy tips to remember, not to hard to learn and will help:
1) Dante is invincible if he jumps. So if an attack is heading towards you, just jump and you'll be completely fine.
2) Neros Table hopping is exactly same...if not more stylish.
[Image: rightbackatyabtch.gami9fxe.gif]

If you ever want help on DMC or any other games like this(even God Hand), feel free to ask.

Yeah, I just bought Air Hike thank fuck. That's such an OP move if used correctly. Not having is a bitch.

I'm kinda annoyed at the fact that I got S and SS achievements but didn't have enough enemies to get SSS, cause I could've had a nice line of my first achievements in the game.

Also, I may ask you a few things about DMC, but God Hand is different. I can beat Azel in 3 minutes now, just in time for this music
(09-09-2014, 04:57 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: Yeah, I just bought Air Hike thank fuck. That's such an OP move if used correctly. Not having is a bitch.

I'm kinda annoyed at the fact that I got S and SS achievements but didn't have enough enemies to get SSS, cause I could've had a nice line of my first achievements in the game.

Also, I may ask you a few things about DMC, but God Hand is different. I can beat Azel in 3 minutes now, just in time for this music

Oh and I forgot one of the most handiest tools. You can use the camera to manipulate enemies. If an enemy isn't in the camera view, they are inactive and won't attack you. This makes getting through Bloody Palace that little but easier. So use the right stick to change to change the camera around and get some breathing room.

Oh and that song. So good. Why is Botanic Sage so good at remixes?
So, I've been playing Mario Tennis for the N64 again...
Is it a work out since every time I play that game I've broken a sweat in 20 minutes? No other game does that to me... Weird.
(09-09-2014, 09:31 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: So, I've been playing Mario Tennis for the N64 again...
Is it a work out since every time I play that game I've broken a sweat in 20 minutes? No other game does that to me... Weird.

What about this lady?
[Image: main.png]
(09-09-2014, 10:06 PM)Carlos Wrote:
(09-09-2014, 09:31 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: So, I've been playing Mario Tennis for the N64 again...
Is it a work out since every time I play that game I've broken a sweat in 20 minutes? No other game does that to me... Weird.

What about this lady?
[Image: main.png]
A bunch of really crappy balance games? Didn't break a sweat, just confused my inner ears.
It's a cold sweat with Mario Tennis, I think I just get really into it.
(09-09-2014, 09:31 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: So, I've been playing Mario Tennis for the N64 again...
Is it a work out since every time I play that game I've broken a sweat in 20 minutes? No other game does that to me... Weird.

I sweat every time I play a game. That's not because I do any thing. It's because my room stays at a really hot temperature and my mom will not turn on the air conditioner.

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