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Fighting Games

Street Fighter V sells 1.4 million
(05-08-2016, 12:49 PM)Space Jockey Wrote:

Capcom remembered Final Fight 2 outside Maki. This gives me hope for Dean and Lucia joining SFV (yes, i know those are from 3, but still....)

For those asking for a translation, this is what i could find:

(This time, we're tracking the mysterious man from Metro City. Gathering information and documentation on him was extremely difficult more or less. Nevertheless, he is Japanese and loves swords.)

Name: Carlos Miyamoto
Height: 189cm
Weight: 73kg
Blood type: not examined
Birthday: forgotten
Home Country: Argentina
Favorite things: his katana, swords, chili beans
Dislikes: raw fish

This mysterious man hails from South America. It seems he is a master of Iaido, as well as a former bouncer. He currently lives rent free at Haggar's mansion, as he contributes to the improvements of security in Metro City. He has seemingly hurt his hip using the Sharin Nage (swing throw) special move which he hasn't used recently.

This is the technique Carlos injured his back using:

[Image: f23d337e3c458d7ffff8155a00140f.JPG]

SNK uploaded the first official "team trailer" for The King of Fighters XIV. Team Japan is up first, with Kyo Kusanagi, Benimaru Nikaido and Goro Daimon getting the spotlight:

Bandai Namco's E3 line-up:

Most interesting of note is that "Fighting / Wrestling" game for PS4/XB1/PC.

Hope that's Tekken 7.
Tekken 7 already coming to PS4/XB1 though....unless it's a wrestling game with just King and Craig Marduk
(05-14-2016, 01:46 AM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: Tekken 7 already coming to PS4/XB1 though....unless it's a wrestling game with just King and Craig Marduk


Did you know that not all the games appaearing at each year E3 are announcements of brand-new products, right? Besides, if the "Fighting / Wrestling" game for PS4/XB1/PC ends up being Tekken 7, this pretty much confirms that Tekken 7 is coming to PC (good for them!).

EDIT: Of course it's Tekken 7. Harada and Ono will 100% be present at Sony's press-conference to announce some new stuffs. Expect a character reveal or a new trailer.
The CFN portal is now available in English, site now has a language toggle switch in the top right corner of the page which switches between each version (this is the page where you find all those character profiles).

Since we are on the subject of character profiles: Capcom has officially translated half of the current list of characters introduced so if anyone was interested in professionally localized profiles here they are. (from Nadeshiko to Azam) Besides, the Japanese version is still progressing on schedule.

And since we are talking of the subject of the SF lore, for those interested in it, please do check out this document [ ] translated by 'bakfromon' maintained by 'Doctrine Dark' and compiled by various users of Shoryuken Forums.

"But were do they find all this information?"

To quote a post from Bakfromon:

The scans that @Doctrine Dark are providing are from All About Capcom 1987- 2000.

The scans @Eternal provided were pulled from All About Street Fighter Zero 3.

I provided the scans from All About Street Fighter EX, originally posted by @Sano on the Warriors Fate thread. These were never translated directly by anyone on the site to my knowledge.

Last but not least @DRW provided the scans from the Street Fighter 2 Complete File.

Usually I just shorten the names into acronyms.
None of these books are available in English, and although a lot of the general info may have been covered in some way shape or form, a majority of the information has either been lost to memory or yet to be uncovered (in English).
Oh man that's so good!
The profile for Oro is out:

The translation (by Bakfromon):

(The mysterious old man who uses Senjutsu! He's so old that he even considers Dhalsim to be a youngster! He's the living fossil of the fighting world!)

Name: Oro
Height: 161cm
Weight: 71kg
Blood Type: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Country of Origin: Unknown
Favorite things: turtle, goodies
Dislikes: boredom

The legendary hermit, who is said to live in a cave deep within isolated reaches of the Amazon. He is a wielder of a powerful senjutsu, a supernatural power he can use to lift boulders. Being that he's far too strong the man seals one of his arms out of his own volition. He's over 130 years old and rumors have it that he's a descendant of a ninja who came from Japan.

Also for anyone questioning why Oro is listed as not being from Japan keep in mind Akuma is also listed as having an unknown country of origin even though both his master and brother are listed as being from Japan.

At least they keep the connotation that Oro may have descendants who are Japanese.

Akuma and Oro are so removed from society that their country of origins have become irrelevant to them.
Thanks for that link to the English entries, been reading them for a while now. Apparently the entry about, as you said "reimagined", Geki isn't about the original Geki. He seems to have been killed by another assassin somewhere along the line and the picture is of his successor, Geki II.
(05-15-2016, 04:28 PM)Mass Distraction Wrote: Thanks for that link to the English entries, been reading them for a while now. Apparently the entry about, as you said "reimagined", Geki isn't about the original Geki. He seems to have been killed by another assassin somewhere along the line and the picture is of his successor, Geki II.

Yeah, I know. I was casually reading the profiles of the SF1 characters in the wiki when I found about THAT.

R.I.P OG ninja
Pretty interesting to see the influences that went into the original Street Fighter character designs.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS is surprisingly getting a 1.1.6 patch update. This isn't the first surprise update Sakarai made for this game.
Woah.........Capcom actually revealed information of the ENTIRE Matsuda family!:

Translation by bakfromon:

EDIT: picture of the family tree:

[Image: matsudake.jpg?h=afa68b5ad74ebe614b4f93020d816aba]

And here's Makoto profile:

Translation by bakfromon:

(She truly is the super-serious karate girl! Her attacks are ones that are delivered with intensity. This Tosa girl was born for karate.)

Name: Makoto
Height: 160cm
Weight: 50kg
Blood type: B
Birthday: July 1
Home Country: Japan
Favorite things: family, carpentry
Dislikes: pickled ginger

The rowdy and passionate karate girl. She is an heir of the prestigious house of Rindokan karate dojo. She struggles in order to rebuild the dojo which has seen better days. She's a talented ranking black belt! She has an older brother who has never studied the martial arts. She's also a carpenter which is a good skill she uses to make repairs to the dojo! Which is great.
Gotta love this KOF XIV screenshot:

[Image: Cilkg8gUYAETpLK.jpg:orig]

Daimon stealing that Mega Man tech and such.......

[Image: 270?cb=20100827035113]

And since we are on the subject of KOF XIV, SNK just posted their second official "team trailer" for The King of Fighters XIV. This time take a look at Team Yagami, starring Iori, Vice, and Mature.


Note that this is the first time Mature has been shown in KOF XIV gameplay.
(05-17-2016, 04:53 PM)Riku434 Wrote: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS is surprisingly getting a 1.1.6 patch update. This isn't the first surprise update Sakarai made for this game.

It's just Bayonetta nerfs:

Also, Gargos gameplay reveal on KI stream soon!

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