05-06-2013, 03:48 AM
(05-05-2013, 08:29 PM)A Zombie Riot Wrote: Home. Even though we never got to sit down and talk, I felt nothing but positive energy the whole weekend. I felt so nervous coming up because I didn't know what was going to happen the second I got there. But we did lots of outside work today (and some yesterday). Overall, in that respect, it was a good weekend!
Then we saw Iron Man 3. Absolutely loved it.
AND I got Bioshock: Infinite today. It was on sale, so I got it brand new for $50. So, I got it cheaper than I thought I would! Sadly, I don't have time yet to play it but I can't wait until I do! I don't know if I want to finish Bioshock 2 first or just skip straight to infinite.
Without spoiling much, BioShock 2 is a revisit to Rapture, but a pointless revisit. Kinda hard to explain.
BioShock 1s story is all about Jack and Rapture. BioShock 2 however is "what if you returned to Rapture as a big daddy 10 years after Jack left". It's not rally important to the BioShock lore since you could make any story in Rapture and it not make a difference on the overall story. So you don't have to finish it adds nothing to the overall BioShock story. I like the game though.