07-06-2013, 09:34 PM
Let's take a look at the 'ol bookmarks...
FML, tales of horrible things that happen during peoples' day: http://www.fmylife.com/
Retail Hell Underground, a site that shares the stupidity of customers: http://www.retailhellunderground.com/
Texts From Dog, what it would be like if your dog could text you: http://textfromdog.tumblr.com/
Pictures taken from Google Street View: http://9-eyes.com/
A silly Link blog (warning, some yaoi themes): http://linkmakingfaces.tumblr.com/
Random, silly net stuff: http://tumblr.tastefullyoffensive.com/
Cats that look like Pinup Girls (NSFW): http://catsthatlooklikepinupgirls.tumblr.com/
Cats Being Dicks: http://cats-beingdicks.tumblr.com/
FML, tales of horrible things that happen during peoples' day: http://www.fmylife.com/
Retail Hell Underground, a site that shares the stupidity of customers: http://www.retailhellunderground.com/
Texts From Dog, what it would be like if your dog could text you: http://textfromdog.tumblr.com/
Pictures taken from Google Street View: http://9-eyes.com/
A silly Link blog (warning, some yaoi themes): http://linkmakingfaces.tumblr.com/
Random, silly net stuff: http://tumblr.tastefullyoffensive.com/
Cats that look like Pinup Girls (NSFW): http://catsthatlooklikepinupgirls.tumblr.com/
Cats Being Dicks: http://cats-beingdicks.tumblr.com/