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Video games you want to see animated
Since the talk for animated video game adaptations has been going on in the Sly Cooper The Movie thread. I figured it was time to bring in this topic to the fellow gamers. So. What video game series is that you want to see adapted into an animated feature, or even an animated series for that matter? Name the game, and give a reason(a detailed reason) why you want to see this game adapted.

As much as I want to see an animated film of Zelda(done by the creator of Samurai Jack who is a fan of the zelda series) I've wanted to see a new Mario Bros cartoon happen for awhile now. I know that the previous attempts for mario cartoons are guilty pleasures for some, but some have wished for a more 'faithful' take on the Mario Bros. I know that if there was one person who would do justice with making a new Mario cartoon series, its Kyle Carrozza. Just look at his take on the Mario Bros.
[Image: tumblr_inline_mynffsXIN51rqphkb.jpg] He has some pretty good ideas for stories on the Mario bros(some of which take notes from Paper Mario) but I m surprised Nintendo hasn't seen this to contact him about making a Mario bros cartoon.

Apart from Mario. I want a Crash Bandicoot movie. It just has to happen.

Messages In This Thread
Video games you want to see animated - by CLXcool - 01-29-2014, 03:57 PM

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