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Odd ways you've gotten into great games.
(05-15-2014, 10:44 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: As for Phoenix Wright, my brother downloaded that on the DS as well, he got up to Case 2 and never really tried to get any further, I soon played it and found it interesting and restarted the game and played it from the start to the end. My first VN I believe.

And the rest is history, absurd YouTube video history !

(05-15-2014, 11:01 AM)CLXcool Wrote: I got into Wario because my mom mistook it as a Mario game(Wario is with a W for a reason). I found the treasure collecting as well as money collecting a good challenge for a game like Wario.

Which particular Wario game was this ?

(05-15-2014, 11:25 AM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: [...]Boobs[...]Nuts[...]bouncing boobs[...]girls[...]boobs[...]


(05-15-2014, 12:14 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: I looked at the back of the N64 box when we got it.
I saw a small picture of F-Zero X on that back of the box.
I was convinced it would be the coolest game ever and begged my Dad to buy if for me just from that one picture.

I still think it the coolest game ever.

Same for me for Gran Turismo 3. I thought "surely something can't look that cool!?" Bam. Endless fun.

(05-15-2014, 12:22 PM)Hexadecimal Wrote: Especially when I was little and didn't have the internet I just went based off the covers. If they were pretty and had a cool character, especially an animal, I'd get it. This method actually worked surprisingly well and I didn't miss out on any must play games.

Yep, same here. When my parents would take me to the store, I would just pick out the fun-looking game. Then I would have fun not even thinking if the game itself was any good.

(05-15-2014, 01:40 PM)GameWizard001 Wrote: Actually it was before that, those games were when the bomb went off, what lite the fuse was Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time along with the strategy guide. The artwork in that guide was beautiful. I even took it with me to elementary school to look at on break and read through the guide. Who ever said video games never helped with school. Hell reading the text in there and FF and Legend of the Dragoon and other RPG games that used text bubbles to have characters talk was a fantastic way to get a kid to read better else they will never know what the game is about or what the hell is going on.

Reading the guide before getting the game was such an amazing feeling for anticipation. Happened to me in '04 for San Andreas.

(05-15-2014, 03:08 PM)BumblebeeCody Wrote: I got into Golden Sun on the GameBoy when I found a cartridge of it on the London Underground.

As good a reason as any !

My story time !

In November 2011, I got Skyrim. I beat Skyrim going through missions etc etc and then stopped playing.

Fastforward to two months ago when I re-discovered Skyrim. When I say 're-discovered' I don't mean "picked it up again", I mean I discovered how to play it in a completely different way. My love had also played Skyrim in the past so we decided to boot it up on her computer. She started playing and I was in awe.

Instead of doing all the missions and following questlines, she lived the game as a real person. She would explore, meet people, do missions here and there. More importantly, she would never fast travel which means that she couldn't just teleport from one side of the map to the other and back again just for one quest. She would factor in travel time and if it was really worth it at that time. If not, she would make a note of going to see Mr.XYZ next time she was in Markarth, etc.

With several realism mods (food, drink, sleep, hypothermia, etc.), gone were the days of just blunering along through the icy waters in the North to get somewhere quicker. Now, you had to plan to have enough food, drink and warm clothing to make it.

I started playing her way, and let me tell you that I've rarely had such fun playing a game. A game without strict objectives. A game where you just enjoy going around and exploring your environment. 11/10, would definitely recommend.

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RE: Odd ways you've gotten into great games. - by SERIOUSLY THOUGH - 05-15-2014, 03:14 PM

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