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So, uh. I have to write a personal statement.
Too be honest, I would like to join the vidya industry mostly to save it, but that's just a "fanta sea" that will never happen but really, I'm not that pissed if I don't. I'd rather get a good stable job that would pay a lot than a shitty coding job where I could be fired any minute.

I get that it's kind of needy, but I still haven't had anyone apart from the few people on this site, and my mother and brother to look over it. (The latter telling me it's terrible) Hopefully today, I'll be able to give it to an actual teacher and they'll be able to look over it and change it for the better.

I've amended it slightly to take out the many I's I've included, and added some information about myself as well (Mostly that I like and enjoy history outside of school)

I'll post the edited version in a few hours, I want to see what the teacher recommends.

Messages In This Thread
RE: So, uh. I have to write a personal statement. - by retrolinkx - 11-12-2014, 05:34 AM

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