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The gaming related ventilation thread!
To get why I am so peeved about this you should first watch this video from about 5:06 onwards, where this dickbag talks about ranking and skill rating.

So I just played through Overwatch's latest competitive season's ten placement matches in a group of six, meaning we more or less all played the same way. We swapped tanks, healers and DPS's throughout the games and all of us got matches where we were in gold, silver or bronze. We won 4 out of the 6 matches we played and all this considered, we should have been pretty much even when it comes to the ranking the game would've given us after all those games, especially when all of us were, at the end of last season, within ranks 2100-3000 (higher being better for those not in the know). Now, I get it, I ain't the best there is but I am not shit. I may not have been in the 3000+ ranks last season but I think I did pretty well with my last season ending on a higher note for me on the rank 2373. Now, Kaplan the Dickbag explained in the above video how they had purposefully dropped people's ranks after placements the last few seasons to "give a sense of progression" which was a retarded concept to begin with but would explain why I always seemed to end up about 500 points lower than my usual rank no matter how well or badly I played. I went to this season thinking that hey, we are all pretty much even when it comes to our starting points and I won't get screwed over as badly as I had been previously. Soooo anyway, the placements ended and our entire team ended up pretty much around where we were supposed to, with ranks around 2500 to 2900. Except me, who got dropped a whopping 600 points from last season and got a rank of 1700. So uh... What happened to the whole not dropping ratings so drastically? THIS IS THE WORST I HAVE EVER GOTTEN! Like... None of this makes any sense! We played equally, as a team, how the fucking shit am I getting screwed over like this, AGAIN?! This also means that I got kicked out of the team by the game itself, as Overwatch has a system where low ranking players cannot play with higher ranking players. Thanks Blizzard. Thanks a fucking lot. And fuck you. Screw Overwatch, I have better games I can be playing.

As a side note, considering the amount of swearing and how loud it was that night, I wouldn't be surprised if the neighbours have made a complaint about me.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The gaming related ventilation thread! - by Mass Distraction - 09-24-2017, 04:58 PM

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