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PsychoSpaceCow's Artwork and Sundries
I thought I already made this thread, but I could find it.

Regardless, this is where I shall put my pixelated pieces of pictorial posts.
Pardon the Ps it happened to pan out like that.

[Image: electronic_soul_by_goldfisharmada-d61r8a5.png]

I thought of this while taking a state required exam. Being the English exam, I was left with quite a bit of time, solitude with nothing to do, and only faces around me. I started drawing, and it led to this among other ideas and concepts. What is the soul of a machine? It embodies and gives life, and so appropriately, it would be its power, electricity. So, the electronic soul was conceived. I wanted it to be like that of an aberration, or other souls found in media, but I didn't want it to be organic. I wanted it to be alive, but unnatural. As such, it was fashioned in the visage of man and machine.

If so you wish, feel free to lay this to canvas and color.
Also, I will accept requests.

Messages In This Thread
PsychoSpaceCow's Artwork and Sundries - by Psychospacecow - 04-14-2013, 06:57 PM

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