I'm still learning myself but intill someone comes in help out I'll tell you want I know. First off the card:
on the card you can see the name and a number and symbol. That number and the symbol represent the mana cost, or how much you need to summon the creature. Each card has one of 5 types: Water, Fire, Earth, Light, or Death. Mine is a black Death and will need a Death land card to summon.
Land looks like this:
You need land to summon ceratures. My Creature has one black symble and a 2, which means that I need one black land and two more land of whatever I want. You can only place land on your turn and only one land per turn, so it will take three turns to sumon my creature. You can summon as many creatures as you want on your turn, as long as you have the land to do so, though the creature does get summoning sickness on the first turn so you can only use him on the next turn. Once you want to play a card, you have to tap the land:
Tapping the card means that you can't use the card until your next turn. You can only play creatures and/or Land on the first and second phase. Going onto the battle phase, you can see two numbers at the bottom of the card. This is the attack and defend numbers. Let me set up a battle for us:
![[Image: Nantuko_Husk_9ED.jpg]](http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100206225331/mtg/images/1/11/Nantuko_Husk_9ED.jpg)
It's my turn and I attack you. Your Muckwader has a lower defend number than my Husk's attack number 2>1. This will mean that your creature goes to the grave yard and you lose 1 life point.
Now let's say that the battle went like this:
![[Image: Nantuko_Husk_9ED.jpg]](http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100206225331/mtg/images/1/11/Nantuko_Husk_9ED.jpg)
My creature is now weaker than yours 2<3. This means that my Husk is now dead, but I don't take damage (I think). If you don't have a creature on the field or don't have an untapped/useable creature on the field, I can attack your life points directly. You get 20 life for the whole game and whoever gets to zero loses.
There are also magic cards, artifact cards and abilities but I have yet to really understand all of those so someone is going to have to help me out with those and corect the mistakes I made.