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Did Nintendo really revive the game industry?
A lot of gamers claim that even if Nintendo didn't exist, the industry would still be growing outside US making it to them that it would eventually be revived. Even further claiming that Sony is the one that made gaming at its finest.

I on the other hand think this is false because Nintendo's policies DID improve the marketing and did encourage devs to make great games.

Personally I would wish that Playstation series would be gone because of these fanboys freaking out every single gamer that Playstation the way of gaming. Wonder if Sony will realize that PS4 is the last they can possibly invest their work on.........
Chill out man, let's just let all consoles coexist peacefully. Try to stop posting so many "anti - stuff I don't like" threads and just enjoy the videogames.
Besides, I doubt most of us are economists.
Nintendo only helped the American Video Game Industry.

The video game crash came in 83, and stayed around until 85, when Nintendo came with their "Entertainment System" it revived the Video Games industry in America at this time.

Everywhere else in the world Video Games were doing fine. They weren't that big as far as I know, but it wasn't as bad as America was.

Nintendo didn't revive the gaming industry as a whole, but they did revive the American video game industry, and without them doing that Video games would be very different than they are today, since America pretty much shaped the video game industry more than anyone else.

Hell, I doubt we'd even be seeing the Playstation if they didn't revive the American industry...if only...
So much playstation hated here. Rather than answering a question with the obvious answer of yes that has already been explained by retrolinkx, I'd rather ask him and the OP, what exactly you have against playstation? As far as I'm concerned, it has many great games on it like Spyro or Crash, Jak and Ratchet The Last of us, Journey and Flower and several others as well. I'm not saying they are perfect, but you guys are acting like they are the very death of gaming itself.
Well, let's go through he many sins Sony has committed to gaming.

Effectively killed Sega. First they take the specs for the original Sega Saturn to make the Playstation, then they kill off the Dreamcast.

Brought the original casuals into the market, sure you can say it "matured" but that would've happened anyway, as even N64 and the Saturn had mature games on their systems. You could also argue the Mega Drive tried this, but when you look at their commercials and their target audience it was mainly teens more than adults, and even then it was with shovel ware and sports.

They proved with the PS2 that an effective gimmick sells, which has badly affected the industry. Instead of trying to make games, they want to make the Kinect and Move and shit. Stuff that is just retarded and no one wants. The Wii strengthened this idea of an effective gimmicks, and now we're getting shit we don't want packaged with the Wii U, PS4 and Xbox One, instead of what really matters. Games.


>Stole the specs for the original Saturn to make the Playstation
>Effectively killed Sega (They probably would've killed themselves anyhow, but the entire reason the Dreamcast, and Sega dying was because of the release of the PS2)
>Had the first successful gimmick with the PS2 being able to play DVD's, which was so effective that it made it the best selling console of all time. (People did buy the PS2 for it's ability to play DVD's)
>Successfully brought over the dudebros/casuals with the playstation (Sega tried with the Mega Drive, but it was not as effective as the PS1 did)


Oh, and I'm by no means saying other companies didn't do this, or are perfect. I'm just saying Sony did a lot of negative things to the industry, and it has effected the industry a lot.

(12-22-2013, 02:16 AM)Artwark Wrote: Wonder if Sony will realize that PS4 is the last they can possibly invest their work on.........

Boy you are wrong. Nintendo is lucky they have the 3DS, because the Wii U is not doing so well.

[Image: worldwide_ytd.png?a=669]

PS4 and One sold almost the same in their release as Wii U, who has a one year "advantage".
You can't blame sony for killing Sega, they are the ones that effectively created sony by rejecting them. They literally dug their own grave with that one. I didn't read the rest of your post because I'm in a hurry, being that it's Christmas eve and all, but I'll get back to it. I just had to comment on that one bit, because I can't believe you would say something so stupid.
(12-22-2013, 07:41 PM)Arjahn Wrote: Chill out man, let's just let all consoles coexist peacefully. Try to stop posting so many "anti - stuff I don't like" threads and just enjoy the videogames.

Don't listen to him Artwark, you just keep posting your Nintendo agenda threads and keep fighting the good fight. Keep it up, and I'll have to start posting these gems into gamers.txt so everyone can see how glorious Nintendo is and how evil communist any other company is. ;)

P.S. You're insane. GET HELP!
(12-24-2013, 10:36 AM)RepentantSky Wrote: You can't blame sony for killing Sega, they are the ones that effectively created sony by rejecting them. They literally dug their own grave with that one. I didn't read the rest of your post because I'm in a hurry, being that it's Christmas eve and all, but I'll get back to it. I just had to comment on that one bit, because I can't believe you would say something so stupid.

No, I can.

While I will admit, Sega were stupid with the idea of the Mega CD and the 32x, Sony really did kill them. The Saturn was shit because of the PS1, they rushed the release and made it $399 at release because of the PS1. It had no games, all third party support was practically gone, the specs were horrible and difficult to work with and the console really hurt Sega. Then the PS1 came out with a $299 price tag, games at release and the promise of more to come. It sold more in one day than the Saturn did in the 6/7 months prior.

Then, when they sorted their act out with the Dreamcast, Sony came out with the PS2, and just threw Tech at it. They gave it a DVD player and hey presto, it sold like hotcakes. Effectively killing the Dreamcast and Sega along with it.

Seriously, the only reason the Playstation brand is so successful is because of the circumstances it was in. It was either go with Nintendo, a company that will treat you like shit, force you to abide by their rules and make games using a limited cartridge system, or go to Sega who have a console with difficult architecture to make games on, and knowing that you will probably not make a profit due to the fact many people do not own the Saturn.

The Playstation was perfect, easy to use architecture, CD's were a great storage system, and everything was perfect for devs. It's why the PS1 and PS2 have more than 1500 games on their system.

Now, don't get me wrong. I like the games Playstation have made. I think the PS1 and the PS2 were great consoles with tons of games, they have interesting and unique games I could never have seen by Sega or Nintendo, but the reason I dislike Sony is that they pretty much turned the video game market into what it is today.
Sorry, I cannot agree with anything you said about Sony. The point of competition is to compete and Sega lost, horribly due to the lack of understanding what gaming should be. A system should come out with games, when DVD's increased in popularity and became usable for gaming, it only made sense to use them. It isn't the fault of Sony that Sega pulled the original "fight technology" move that Microsoft and Nintendo played until this generation. A superior company, which only existed because Sega turned them away, is going to have a bigger fanbase and more unit's sold. It only makes sense for things to work that way.

Also, I don't like how you said Sony has a lot to do with how gaming is today. This 8th generation needs to kick off a little bit and the systems need to stop breaking down yes, but really, the last generation is probably the best one we've ever had if you get off of Nintendo's and Sega's high horses. If Sony has something to do with that, then I see no problem at all. There were so many games on every system available, no would have had time to beat them all and again if Sony has a hand in that, good on them.

If there is something else you are talking about, please let me know, because really, despite a few bad systems and some lazy, cheap cash DLC, I don't really have much issue with how the gaming market is now. There are games I like, and games I don't, that's simple enough.
Nintendo pretty much put the industry back on track. It wasn't dead, just more of a mess and even then, that's really only for the American industry.

As for Sony/SEGA.
SEGA put out too much crap and became a mess of a company with the Sega Megadrive(Genesis) having additional attachments which never ended. This was also followed by terrible marketing for the Saturn which was outshined by Sony. I can't fault Sony on having a good marketing campaign during the 90's because they obviously did their research. Sega continued their trend of making bad business decisions by putting the Sega Dreamcast out too early for people to care about (that Wii U prophecy, yo). Not to mention you could easily pirate games.
That being said, the Dreamcast was the first major console to be online and was technically(as in hardware wise) "more powerful" than the PS2.

(12-24-2013, 12:20 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: but the reason I dislike Sony is that they pretty much turned the video game market into what it is today.
I'd personally say it's due to publishers and MicroSony allowing the industry to fall into the rut where it is. At least Nintendo is a safe...for now.
Speaking of Sony do you think PS4 is the last thing Sony will ever make for the Playstation? I know for Nintendo it won't because they want to make new ways of playing games.
Honestly, does it really matter whether it was Sony or Sega who dropped from the market? Sega lost because of bad business plans, that's how things are. I mean, to me it really doesn't matter what company it is that is making my consoles as long as I have great games to play on them.

While I'm not a fanboy of any console in general because let's be real here, that's friggin' retarded, I jsut personally can't get into Nintendo's main consoles. Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby... All of the games are really meh to me. On the other hand, I love Nintendo's handhelds because of all the great 3rd party titles being released on those.

Say what you want but I'm fairly certain both Sony and Microsoft will come up with a new console in due time. I would be sad if Nintendo was the only way to go.
Say what you want about Nintendo today, but back when the NES came out they helped define and create genres before they even existed. The NES helped shape gaming for everyone.

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