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The Third Degree - Arjahn
If you could be anything in the world without fear of financial instabilities or judgement, what would you choose?
Either a comic writer/artist or an assassin.

Then again, why not both.
If you had one super power, what would you have?
Do you think you would survive a black hole?
If you were stuck in a island and had one person that betrayed you and was planning to eat you,who would it be?
What is the flavor to the Stride Mystery Gum is?
I'll join in on the game again, sign me up.

Also Mass Distraction, how's life?
Count me in but expect nothing.
M. D. are you a doctor?
(03-20-2013, 01:04 PM)A Zombie Riot Wrote: If you had one super power, what would you have?

Invisibility. Such should prove useful in the assassination business.

(03-20-2013, 02:18 PM)Berry Wrote: Do you think you would survive a black hole?
If you were stuck in a island and had one person that betrayed you and was planning to eat you,who would it be?
What is the flavor to the Stride Mystery Gum is?

1. For the undefined time that my time will remain stopped when I enter its gravitational field, yes.
2. Albert Wesker. His crazy schemes are hilarious.
3. The what now? Uh... Strawberry.

(03-20-2013, 03:14 PM)cingchris Wrote: Also Mass Distraction, how's life?

Life's good. I'm foreseeing some days off from work, especially during easter, then even more money making work after that. I only need to land a place in an institute and get an apartment in a city and I'm even better.

(03-20-2013, 04:49 PM)Psychospacecow Wrote: M. D. are you a doctor?

One botched brain surgery, coming up!
Beware of Cuccos, your turn.

1. How many tattoos do you have?
2. How is your cat doing?
3. Your plans for this easter?
1. What would you consider to be your theme song?
2. Who's your favorite Muppet?

(Edited because I didn't see the new dreams thread before I asked my question)

(sorry, I couldn't think of a good question, lol)
Is it too late to sign up for this?

AND TO YOU CUCCO! Which incarnation of Link is your favorite?
Do you find the hate for Call Of Duty to be excessive? I don't.
Be wear oeuf the cook-offs,
  • When was last time you posted a picture of your cat and the lobster toy ?
  • Were you any good at games that used the Dancemat (Dance Dance Revolution, etc.) ?
  • Do you have any idea how we got here ?

I have no idea why the font is so bloody huge.
(03-22-2013, 05:59 PM)Wardenclyffe Wrote: Is it too late to sign up for this?

It's never too late.
(03-22-2013, 09:03 PM)The Antagonist Wrote:
(03-22-2013, 05:59 PM)Wardenclyffe Wrote: Is it too late to sign up for this?

It's never too late.

Well, hot diggity doggy a mon ponstroni Deckerioni! I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I JUST SAID, BUT I'M EXCITED!!! I, CosmykTheDolfyn, Seigneur of Space, Lord of the Oceans, and that Blasted Time Traveling Dolfyn, confers that his name shall be added his great majesty will...*ahem* sign up.
Oh, and BTW, Beware of Cuccoos, if tomato is a fruit, is ketchup a smoothie?

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