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Crash Bandicoot: Crystals Wrath

I mentioned it once before, but I just want to bring it up again in case a few people didn't see it.

Its a fan made game by these 2 guys who want to make a Crash Bandicoot game again. There actually doing an incredibly well job on it, and its set for sometime in Spring 2014.

What are your thoughts on this, guys?
Good, i was expected Call of Bandicoot to come out before this.
Let's hope Activision doesn't step in despite their clear lack of interest towards the franchise.
Its good to see that fans are willing to give the Bandicoot a second chance, hopefully Activision doesn't step in to mess things up. Which they will later say on the lines of 'we will make another crash game''(which we all know is an excuse for saying we dont see $$$ in the series over fps games).

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