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Public Nuzlocke thread
Share your Nuzlocke stories here. I thought we could do this instead of cluttering the actual Pokémon thread with our misadventures :P

Current Soul Silver Nuzlocke team:

lv.17 Ekans - Welder
lv.17 Beedrill - Kalderon
lv.18 Rattata - Riley
lv.18 Bellsprout - D'meral (giddit? It's like an anagram for "emerald")
lv.19 Togetic - Shelly
lv.20 Geodude - Giblet

Next objective: Beat Goldenrod Gym

Gah! I was so sure I'd get something cool from the bug catching contest but nooooooooo, the first thing that appeared was a Caterpie. Now I can't even get a Sunkern here... And I like Sunkern.
SMG's Pokemon LeafGreen Nuzlocke Entry #2 (#1 can be read on the Pokemon Thread)

So, I finally defeat the Pewter City gym. Really easy since Squirtle defeated all of the trainers. Metapod evolved into a Butterfree and caught myself a Spearow named Double Dee. Unfortunately, he didn't last long since a Critical Hit from a Pidgey kill him. After that sad scene, I head to Mt. Moon and captured a female Zubat named Zulu. Squirtle evolved into a Wartortle and got myself the Dome Fossil. After that, I did a little training near Cerulean City and caught myself a Mankey named P. Diddy. Also, Prince K (Pidgey) died from a Critical Hit from a wild Spearow (Funny, I know).

After that, I defeat my rival, Fukem and got myself a Fame Checker.

Pokemon Now:

Wartortle (Perry) - Lv 18
Butterfree (Mothra) - Lv 14
Zubat (Zulu) - Lv 13
Mankey (P. Diddy) - Lv 13

Pokemon Dead:

Pidgey (Prince K) - Lv 3 - Lv 13
Spearow (Double Dee) - Lv 6 - Lv 9

Objective: Hopefully get a grass type and fight Misty to get the next badge.
(04-25-2014, 01:02 PM)SuperMasterGamer Wrote: SMG's Pokemon LeafGreen Nuzlocke Entry #2 (#1 can be read on the Pokemon Thread)

So, I finally defeat the Pewter City gym. Really easy since Squirtle defeated all of the trainers. Metapod evolved into a Butterfree and caught myself a Spearow named Double Dee. Unfortunately, he didn't last long since a Critical Hit from a Pidgey kill him. After that sad scene, I head to Mt. Moon and captured a female Zubat named Zulu. Squirtle evolved into a Wartortle and got myself the Dome Fossil. After that, I did a little training near Cerulean City and caught myself a Mankey named P. Diddy. Also, Prince K (Pidgey) died from a Critical Hit from a wild Spearow (Funny, I know).

After that, I defeat my rival, Fukem and got myself a Fame Checker.

Pokemon Now:

Wartortle (Perry) - Lv 18
Butterfree (Mothra) - Lv 14
Zubat (Zulu) - Lv 13
Mankey (P. Diddy) - Lv 13

Pokemon Dead:

Pidgey (Prince K) - Lv 3 - Lv 13
Spearow (Double Dee) - Lv 6 - Lv 9

Objective: Hopefully get a grass type and fight Misty to get the next badge.

DOME FOSSIL?!?! Why not the ALMIGHTY Helix Fossil becuse... I'm done with this joke now.

Sounds like your doing well. Here's to beating Misty and finding a Nuptup.
(04-25-2014, 01:43 PM)gamemaster1991 Wrote: Sounds like your doing well. Here's to beating Misty and finding a Nuptup.

Hopefully I eventually catch an Oddish so I can name him/her Putpun and evolve into a Bellossom.
I think I'll do a Nuzlocke of the classic yellow... on the Super Game boy and record the results and document on Youtube (Plebeian Aggregate material, right?).

Fun thing about that one is not being able to choose what type your starter is. I better grind away my Pikachu.
(04-25-2014, 02:15 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: I think I'll do a Nuzlocke of the classic yellow... on the Super Game boy and record the results and document on Youtube (Plebeian Aggregate material, right?).

Fun thing about that one is not being able to choose what type your starter is. I better grind away my Pikachu.

If you don't grind, you'll be stuck between Brock and a hard place.
(04-25-2014, 02:29 PM)SERIOUSLY THOUGH Wrote:
(04-25-2014, 02:15 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: I think I'll do a Nuzlocke of the classic yellow... on the Super Game boy and record the results and document on Youtube (Plebeian Aggregate material, right?).

Fun thing about that one is not being able to choose what type your starter is. I better grind away my Pikachu.

If you don't grind, you'll be stuck between Brock and a hard place.

Screw Sudowoodo, screw Pidgey and screw Stantler. I went to Routes 36 and 37 in hopes of getting a cool pokemon like a Nidoran or a Vulpix and decided to off Sudowoodo after getting a poke on R36 but nooooooooo, the first thing to appear was a Pidgey. Then I make quick work of Sudowoodo and go to R37 hoping for better luck but noooooooooo, here comes a Stantler, possible the most boring pokemon of gen 2 after Dunsparce. It can't even learn any useful HMs! So, that was a bust, and like I wasn't having a terrible day in Nuzlocke already I get to an unexpected double battle with two beauties whose final standing Clefable crits my Quilava to death... Poor Bushka... That was my second loss of a pokemon after the Gastly vs. Drowzee incident.

So, now I'm running around with Team Stupid, consisting of:
lv.15 Zubat - Lumpette
lv.15 Paras - Chiel
lv.17 Slowpoke - Steven (named after the champion in Ruby, I never liked the guy)

and some of my previously used pokes:
lv.18 Ekans - Welder
lv.18 Bellsprout - D'meral
lv.21 Geodude - Giblet

Death count:
Rorschach (Gastly) - lv.3-7 - Cause of death: wild Drowzee (R34)
Bushka (Cyndaquil-Quilava) - lv.5-19 - Cause of death: Beauty Kassandra's Clefable (R37)

Btw. How do you guys play Nuzlocke? I forgot to ask. Death is death and you name your mon, of course, but people tend to have additional rules. The only way I've changed the "only capture the first thing you see in an area" is that I can only capture one new thing in an area, meaning even if I've lost something I cannot recapture it on another route. It also helps in not having a team of Rattatas. Currently I have 15 creatures, I'm allowing myself the use of PC other than just releasing "dead" pokemon.
(04-28-2014, 08:27 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote: Btw. How do you guys play Nuzlocke? I forgot to ask. Death is death and you name your mon, of course, but people tend to have additional rules. The only way I've changed the "only capture the first thing you see in an area" is that I can only capture one new thing in an area, meaning even if I've lost something I cannot recapture it on another route. It also helps in not having a team of Rattatas. Currently I have 15 creatures, I'm allowing myself the use of PC other than just releasing "dead" pokemon.

The only additional rule I have is no Exp.Share. It makes the challenge more challenging and I do have another rule but it never happens but it's if I randomly find a shiny on a route I already caught a Pokemon on then I can capture the shiny but the odds are low so it never happens.
(04-28-2014, 08:40 AM)TheTrueBoss997 Wrote:
(04-28-2014, 08:27 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote: Btw. How do you guys play Nuzlocke? I forgot to ask. Death is death and you name your mon, of course, but people tend to have additional rules. The only way I've changed the "only capture the first thing you see in an area" is that I can only capture one new thing in an area, meaning even if I've lost something I cannot recapture it on another route. It also helps in not having a team of Rattatas. Currently I have 15 creatures, I'm allowing myself the use of PC other than just releasing "dead" pokemon.

The only additional rule I have is no Exp.Share. It makes the challenge more challenging and I do have another rule but it never happens but it's if I randomly find a shiny on a route I already caught a Pokemon on then I can capture the shiny but the odds are low so it never happens.

Oh yes, I let myself capture shinies too if that ever happens. Oh, and I've turned off the option to change pokemon when your opponent does.
Morty's ghost gym and rival Fenol (don't ask about the name, I have no idea either) beaten in Ecruteak in addition to finishing Burnt Tower and routes 38 & 39. No new creatures lost.

Current team: My Little Poké: Friendship is Magic
lv.25 Togetic - Shelly
lv.27 Crobat - Lumpette
lv.29 Umbreon - Veemon
lv.24 Noctowl - Hoodor
lv.25 Pidgeotto - Suddenbird
lv.26 Graveler - Giblet

I wish I could keep the team of my befriended pokemon but I have to do some changes if I don't want to get floored by Jasmine's electric/steel/ground type team. My current team is a tad too flying based for that. Of course, flying type would trump ground type if it was anything other than a Steelix so you know, gotta go for the grass and water types. Of which I have three in all. This nuzlocke seems to only give me flying types, I think over half of what I have are winged pokemon.
Third pokemon lost: Queen Crab the Krabby. I only had her from levels 20 to 22 and she was rather weak but I had high hopes for her... I even went all the way back to Cherrygrove and used the rather expensive Net Ball to catch a Krabby. Sigh... Her "highly curious" characteristics must have led to her demise. Then again, I do think it was that DAMN FEAROW'S PURSUIT WHEN I WAS SWITCHING A BADLY HURT POKEMON OUT. Screw you, Sailor Terrel! I knew I should've trained more before going to Olivine's lighthouse...

On another note, I met Raikou once. Bastard fled even when asleep.
Well I just now saw this thread and I'm really far into my current Nuzlocke so I cant really say much. I started a randomizer nuzlocke on Pokemon Emerald so my team is, well, random. I'm grinding for the E4. My goal is for each of my Pokemon to be level 60.

Lv.51 Slowking - Elizabeth
Lv.52 Cradily - Bob Marley
Lv.52 Typhlosion - Tyrone
Lv.52 Electabuzz - Static
Lv.52 Misdreavus - Melissa
Lv.37 Machoke - Popeye

Too many to keep track of. :'(
So, I lost my best pokemon, Chiel the Parasect. In a double battle with two cooltrainers. One of whose Seaking killed my overleveled Parasect with four Horn Attacks. They were all criticals. Four in a row. HOW?! There was no Focus Energy in play, no items used by the trainers, Seaking doesn't have the Super Luck ability and I really doubt random trainers have held items outside of berries, none of which were used. I call bullshit on the game.

From a level 6 Paras in the Ilex Forest to a mighty Parasect in level 30. She liked to run and I never had the heart to take away the TinyMushroom that she had when I caught her with a Great Ball because I had just run out of regular Pokéballs and forgot to buy new ones. Hell, I even gave her Bullet Seed so she'd have at least one grass type move and oh, how good she got. This was my Nuptup guys. THIS WAS MY NUPTUP!

In any case, Cianwood gym leader Chuck beaten, SecretPotion given to Jasmine and now training to beat her. Oh, and I found a shiny Tentacool. Not using him in the Nuzlocke because he was caught outside the rules but nevertheless, a neat find, being my third ever shiny, not counting Red Gyarados.
RIP Chiel. Never forgotten.

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