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The Video Section
I know the video section is currently up to date, but it has had issues with that in the past. I'm not really of the technical sort, but I was wondering if there was some automatic system that could be implemented if there currently isn't one. Like, could the youtube playlists become embedded in the page?
I think we tried putting in YouTube functionality before, but the response from YouTube's servers was so slow it was embarrassing. If their API didn't suck we could have probably done something really cool.
Maybe a notification or something of the like to remind you whenever a new video is detected? I don't know if that makes sense or is viable, but just a little flag saying "don't forget this" maybe.
There's no real way of doing it besides remembering. The best method is one of habit - but of course, being human, we are prone to mistakes and forgetfulness.
Yeah, that's why I was wondering about that.

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