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The Free Gaming Thread v2 : Electric Boogaloo
I really wish more of my friends liked Final Fantasy VIII. It's my absolute favorite game and I have no one to gush over it with. To make matters more annoying, I'm doing extremely well on this playthrough. Woe is me.
Finally god God Hand to work on a PS2 emu at 60 frames, 2x the native and with an added bonus of Widescreen.

Might finally do a KMS run.
I love my nephew to death and will play with him all he wants most days. However, he's geting into video games and wants to play them ALL, including the ones I'm playing. This means that I have not gotten far on Paper Mario TTYD because he wont leave me be for 5 minutes.
It was weird how this situation I'm about to explain quickly escalated from a good thing to an annoying thing.

About a week ago I started to replay Mass Effect 3. I had a play through before where a character died in the previous game so I replayed the ME2 to keep that character alive so that I could see what they do in a DLC that is in 3.

Well along the way I also play the multiplayer because you need to in order to open up all possible end game choices for your character.

During a match there are two guys on there with mics on. Normally I'm not into chatting with strangers online or hearing them on a match while I'm playing. Just not my thing, nothing against it. Add in the fact that my current USB headset doesn't work (the mic anyway). It isn't a bluetooth which is probably why it won't.

Over the course of the match though they two guys kinda grew on me so I scramble to find a solution to talking with them. I have a Eye Camera (I have a PS3) which has its own mic, and I hook in my headset so I could hear them chatting and the camera with the mic to talk to them. I worked. I could talk to them and everything and we did have a decent time playing a match or two. One of them even invites me for his friends list which was cool.

Now this is the part where it gets annoying quickly. This guy just started playing ME3 a few months ago he said, and this is pretty much all he is playing. Nothing against that but what is annoying is that anytime I turned my PS3 on and logged into my PSN account he would immediately message me with an invite to play multiplayer.

I was playing a game on my PS4 and when I go back to the main screen there are like 6 messages from the guy asking if I want to play all in the space of like 20 minutes. This was annoying really quickly. If I didn't answer right away chances are you can tell I'm not gonna play. Wouldn't be anything personal, it would just mean I'm doing something else.

Maybe I expect too much from people and sometimes you just need to flat out say something but I'm clearly not that type.

I should point out that I'm not proud of what I did next but as I've stated this guy annoyed me way to much and started bugging me too quickly and I knew that this would only get worse as time goes on. So I waited for him to be logged off and I just blocked him from my friends list so he couldn't message me anymore. To make matters worse it kinda made me not want to finish my run of ME3 which sucks since I was so damned close to the end.

I could still pick up where I left off but still.

Now I'm playing Nier again for the first time in 4 yrs. I just recently bought it so I've now got a chance to play it while waiting for Dragon Age to come out.

Link's getting an eponamocycle.
Just beat Elvis, after like 2 hours and 30 minutes somehow.

Now I'm going through level 2.
I just finished 2 chapters of The Evil Within. It felt a little like Outlast but in third person. The story is pretty interesting so far.
One of the best feelings you'll ever get out of god hand is when you finish a three man fight with a lick of health and as you fly kick the final guy you get the worst feeling in the world when it turns out he was a demon in disguise.

Completely ruined one of my stages ;_;.

Although, I'm getting better than I thought I would, I can now deal with three people at once on Level Die, albeit getting hit once or twice it's still quite impressive.

Also found this in my random searches of God Hand.

Thought I'd do a quick edit, with my final score from the 2nd stage.

[Image: 2nd_stage.png]

Not bad, 28 deaths and less than the first round. Must be getting the hang of it now.
Sometimes I forget how much X-Com wants you to lose. Was playing normally on an abduction mission in Enemy Unknown when a cyber-disk appears from the fog of war and drop bears my highest rank soldier in one shot then disappears into the fog of war. Everyone was damaged so badly that half of them were out for a week. After being presented with a way to make some coin, I ordered some new troops because this was the third time in a row I'd lost a guy. Then, 1 day before they arrived, Mexico suffers from terror attacks and I can't respond to this more difficult than the average mission because I've only got 3 soldiers at the time. I go back to right before the event happens after assessing the situation, and ignore the response, so the entirety of North America goes up into alien flames in one day.
Someone made a semi-functional I-Phone in Minecraft.
The Evil Within is one of those psychological survival horror games where they put you in a different environment anytime they like. To be honest, I got no idea what the ending was about. I have my own theories, but who knows what the developers meant.
I've been playing Minecraft on 360 with my daughter. We started on the tutorial, renamed it, and are making our own little changes. I started creating models of video gave sprites. So far, I've made Link from The Legend of Zelda and from A Link to the Past. I'm enjoying it. My daughter is only 6 and has never seen anyone do that. She thinks it's so cool.
Anyone else played The Evil Within yet? I've played a little of it and I'm still not sure of it yet. It is scary, has a lot of "OHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT!!!!!" moments, and the story is interesting enough to keep me going.

It feels like a cross between RE4 and The Last of Us as far as combat mechanics goes. You need to be stealthy a lot of times, and be careful with how much ammo you use because those resources are scarce. Don't get into straight fights with more than one or two enemies at a time and without at least one good heavy hitting weapon. Also headshots don't do instant kills. Then again most zombie games don't have them go down that easily either. But these aren't zombies. They are like the Las Plagas (RE4) meets The Infected (Last of Us). Very tough SOBs but the game does its best to give you tools to get the job done.

Although that opening bit was a pain in the ass and I pretty much shouted "YOU CAN GO TO HELL!" after that chapter was done. Two words: Chainsaw Guy.
(10-18-2014, 06:41 PM)GameWizard001 Wrote: Two words: Chainsaw Guy.

I got no idea how many times I died on that part. In the end I kept running in circles and drop spikes on him.  After that chapter I turned the difficulty down to casual. Ammo is found more often and the game turns into an action shooter :\ Since these Run-For-Your-Life type of game isn't my kind of thing, I shot my way through to the end of the game (Pffft, casuals)
(10-18-2014, 11:41 PM)RyeoNox Wrote:
(10-18-2014, 06:41 PM)GameWizard001 Wrote: Two words: Chainsaw Guy.

I got no idea how many times I died on that part. In the end I kept running in circles and drop spikes on him.  After that chapter I turned the difficulty down to casual. Ammo is found more often and the game turns into an action shooter :\  Since these Run-For-Your-Life type of game isn't my kind of thing, I shot my way through to the end of the game (Pffft, casuals)

I actually found someone whom I hate more than Chainsaw Guy. Long Haired Creature Lady. Unlike Chainsaw Guy, she teleports across a room through all the fallen corpses that are in the room. If you have matches, use them quickly on as many corpses as you can and get something that can set the bitch on fire else you are in for a lot of running. 

Also if you find a torch, grab it and use it cause it is like instant death for this thing. 

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