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The Free Gaming Thread v2 : Electric Boogaloo
(05-22-2015, 10:39 PM)Takahashi2212 Wrote: Started playing Kingdom Hearts 1 recently. Kind of feels like a giant slog. I love other KH games (Re:coded, 3D, Birth By Sleep), but this game just had me saying "I'd rather play a different Kingdom Hearts game".

Maybe it's because it's the second game I played on the PS2 but I still like the first one. I will say that it is very unpolished compared to the rest of the series (like most first games tend to be) but at lest it's not the worse entry IMO.
Yeah. the first one is overly stiff, but it was also the first in the series, a series that has had more mobile release titles then main titles.
[Image: 6th_stage.png]

Eh, Shannon's demon form annoyed me, but I lucked out and destroyed her on my 5th try or so.

So close to finishing this game on Hard. Then onto my Hard KMS run after that.
I got the itch to play an mmo, but I really don't want to pay for WoW's subscription because I'm probably gonna be a bit busy once school ends, so I tried Tera. I was on it for a collect 5 minutes in game before I got off. Its just so cluttered and there's too much information at once, and all the women don't know how to protect their backs, and I was a corgy.
Taming ocelots in Minecraft is god damn impossible.
(05-24-2015, 09:59 PM)Beware of Cuccos Wrote: Taming ocelots in Minecraft is god damn impossible.

Train them to use a revolver.



But in all seriousness, it's a whole lot... easier than I thought it would be based on all the videos of it. I mean, 20 minutes in and I was past 2 dungeons, had 500 HP, beaten the first boss and hadn't lost yet. Once you get used to the HOLY COW THESE ARE AWFUL CONTROLS and the STUTTERING FRAME RATE, it's easy to navigate, avoid all battles, pick up only the needed items and get going. But I haven't gotten to any serious mazes yet, so maybe it will really surprise me.
KFC have their own video game.

And it's actually better than most AAA games released today

Seriously, I love it.
(05-27-2015, 03:35 AM)retrolinkx Wrote: KFC have their own video game.

And it's actually better than most AAA games released today

Seriously, I love it.

This thing is kind of hard, but it's fun so I'm okay with that.
[Image: 7th_stage.png]

Stage 7 is so damn difficult. 7-2 wants you to fight a group of 3 people at the same time, another 3, and then another 5 AND THEN a Samurai mini boss.

7-3 has you fight the master of the samurai's, who can split into 5 people. He was 2hard but I got him good. I just Shaolin Blasted all his copies and it put his health down to practically nothing, then destroyed him.

7-4 was also quite difficult, but it's not that bad, and 7-5 is the boss who I beat easily.

[Image: 8th_Stage.png]

Stage 8 was also quite difficult, but using the God Hand, weapons, and basic crap you can get through it easily. Only difficult people where the Elite Obese Ninja and Afro Fist, everyone else wasn't that bad. Hell, even 8-1 where you have to fight 8 people at the beginning is quite simple really.

[Image: Finish.png]

Yeah, and then I just went and finished the game since I had time to, I just cheesed Azel because I couldn't be asked to fight him at this point, and defeated Angra with little to no problem.

I'll be doing a KMS run soon probably, but until then. I'll take a break.
Farming Simulator 2015 is being advertised on cartoon network. What a time to be alive...
Trying out Guild Wars 2 since it was on sale on Amazon.
I am one of the plant people, my skin is yellow, and I named her Suekini.
Is it just me or is Steam updating a lot more than it used to?

Nope, an update every Tuesday/Wednesday is usual.

Also, something interesting. A month or two ago, a mic spammer came into the L4D2 server I frequent and was met with a lot of anger, shouts and votekicks but I defended him and said it was fun to have this in the server (it wasn't bad mic spam, it was just fun things like spamming the GAME OVER YEAH when we failed or the TF2 losing sound) and eventually we became friends.

I talked to him quite a bit, we talked about video games and God Hand (as it does with me) comes up and he told me he knew about the game and said he had a friend who was super good at God Hand (I believe he knows him in real life) and he was part of a big God Hand scene back in the day. I didn't take my notice of this, but I found it to be quite interesting. (Sort of like if I met someone who was super good at Smash but wasn't famous)

So skip forward to today and I find a God Hand thread on /v/, I discuss with them the game, and disputes over combat comes up, people argue and argue then out of nowhere one of the big God Hand youtuber's reveals that he is one of the people arguing with us, it all dies down and in the end he posts his steam.

When I go to add him (since it's not something you can do everyday) I see that we both have a friend in common, and it turned out to be that mic spammer from way back, and I'm just like. THIS IS THE GUY YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT. THIS IS THE "GOD HAND GUY" AND YOU JUST ACTED ALL CASUAL ABOUT IT.

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