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The Free Gaming Thread v2 : Electric Boogaloo
1) Fans petition to cancel the game
2) Nintendo see this and think "Well looks like they don't want any Metroid games."
3) Nintendo then don't make anymore Metroid games
4) Nobody wins.

gg everyone

Also, this just in. 3DS emulation has progressed quite far. OOT3D is working, but runs very slow.

Still, can't beat them screenshots.

(06-19-2015, 07:14 PM)CosmykTheDolfyn Wrote: Canceling a game just because it looks different is a terrible idea.  I just don't get the concept of hate towards that.  I mean, I'd probably be ticked off if a F-Zero cart racer was released, but at least it would be F-Zero.
Consider that a music artist can be praised for changing their style.  A movie director can make films in many different genres without any issues.  If you don't support the move, you don't buy the product, that simple.  Why a game series can't change without getting people so angry is a bit of a mystery.
(BTW, there have been game series that I didn't support a change in.  I just didn't buy the game, not start a freaking petition).

(06-19-2015, 08:12 PM)Furo Wrote:
Quote:Lastly, I am ok with this. The game looks nothing like Metriod, will not have the loneliness of most Metriods, and will most likely feel like your playing a new IP with Metriod enemies in it. I feel that canceling this will be the best idea.
You do realize that cancelling the game would make things, worse, right?  I'll be the first to admit I don't like the game from what i'm seeing at all but cancelling the game because it doesn't fit to the "fan's" standards is really just incredibly petty.  
Not to mention that Nintendo would take it as people not wanting a Metroid game at all, And lastly that's it's kinda sorta disrespectful to the devs that are more or less putting their heart in soul into making this game release.
It's just a No-Win situation with cancelling the game.
Kind of disappointing.

I want to say that I'm not for cancelling a game just becuse it's diffrent. I would be the last person to tell someone not to play something that's diffrent. I like it when a game desides to change up a game style or even changes genres (Metriod has done this more then once). That being said I don't like it when you take one basic elamit of a sieres and throw it out the window. How would the fans react if the next Zelda game takes place in a morden day city with the new protagonist Ronnie? How about if the next Star Fox game was about Fox's long lost brother who wants to do air shows and there is no threat of danger to the galaxy. I will admit, I would play both of these games, but that's not the point. The point is that the Metriod games were about a one (wo)man army going to save the universe and one of the main points is that you could not count on anyone due to you being alone (even in Prime 3, were you had 4 talking characters). With this new co-op game, I feel that the point was lost and now your some tatical team out to save the universe and (insert Gears of war, Halo Rach, or any other Co-Op Space Marine game story). I wouldn't mind a different protag (make it Samus's Great-great-great grandchild or some shit if you want), but making it 4 new charicter who have no connection to the orignal plot makes me disintrested to pick it up. I'm sorry I don't want to play another Resident Evil 6.

ON THE OTHER HAND, Metroid has a long line of........ let's say bad sells numbers. Nintendo hates the seires for not bringing in f$ck tons of Yen. If we cancel this, we may not get another Metroid. Maybe what we really need (as much as I'm really going to hate myself for saying this) is a Space Marien Bro-Op game to save the seires. Maybe Nameless Helmet #234230 - 234233 are what is going to save Metroid. I doubt it.
I had to do a little bit of research on this because I don't really follow Nintendo's series' nor do I really care but I just had to know why people would petition for a game not to get released.

So let me get this straight... They announced a spinoff title to the Metroid series. Now people are angry that it's "not the same Metroid". I am yet again baffled by the fact that people still don't seem to get the idea of a goddamn spinoff. Are you kidding me? 2015 people. We can't have our heads this far up our asses.

This is why Nintendo is afraid to change anything in their series. This is why literally every other Mario release is the same exact game but with minor changes. Have these people ever seen other game series in their life? Final Fantasy is a continuous series where the setting, characters and everything in between changes from title to title, not to mention changing the entire genre when it comes to spinoffs. How about Resident Evil then? The game has changed in major ways since it was first created. Not all fans are happy but this means the games still have the right to exist in this day and age. Doom went from action to horror and back to action and it seems people are still interested in the series. Change is needed to keep something fresh. And seriously. This is a spinoff we're talking about.
(06-20-2015, 02:50 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote: I had to do a little bit of research on this because I don't really follow Nintendo's series' nor do I really care but I just had to know why people would petition for a game not to get released.

So let me get this straight... They announced a spinoff title to the Metroid series. Now people are angry that it's "not the same Metroid". I am yet again baffled by the fact that people still don't seem to get the idea of a goddamn spinoff. Are you kidding me? 2015 people. We can't have our heads this far up our asses.

This is why Nintendo is afraid to change anything in their series. This is why literally every other Mario release is the same exact game but with minor changes. Have these people ever seen other game series in their life? Final Fantasy is a continuous series where the setting, characters and everything in between changes from title to title, not to mention changing the entire genre when it comes to spinoffs. How about Resident Evil then? The game has changed in major ways since it was first created. Not all fans are happy but this means the games still have the right to exist in this day and age. Doom went from action to horror and back to action and it seems people are still interested in the series. Change is needed to keep something fresh. And seriously. This is a spinoff we're talking about.

Yep. That's the loud vocal minority of gamers for you. Make stupid choices and are loud about it (See Resident Evil 6, DmC, Final Fantasy XIII, GamerGate, Brink, DLC etc etc).
It's not that you can't just let those who want to be able to buy it, it's that your opinion is right because of that, no-one is allowed the play the game. 

At the same time I put this all on Nintendos fault. This is really their problem.
When you have little to no Third Party support and any third party game that comes out to support the system fails, the best you can do is turn those third party titles into spin-offs of existing IPs. Basically, it wouldn't surprise me if that those two Metroid games weren't originally designed to be a pinball game and random space marine shooter. But games that were obviously going to fail sales wise, so Nintendo slaps their own branding on it viola, more sales than you would've gotten. I'd be the same, would I honestly check out that random Zelda: Triforce heroes if it was under a different name, not really not. But slap Link on it there, I'm interested. I don't want it but it had my attention. 

Again, that just my thoughts on it but as a result, you have this response. A response that I find fucking pathetic, disgusting and again, insulting to the people who are currently working on it. But it all does come back to Nintendo and them putting everyone in awkward situations.

Like I said, E3 was just Nintendo branding random titles to try and make them relevant. 
2 Animal Crossing Spin-offs(unrelated)
2 Metroid Spin-offs (unrelated)
2 Zelda Spin-offs (unrelated)
1 Fire Emblem spin-off(under the SMT series)

(06-19-2015, 10:25 PM)retrolinkx Wrote: 1) Fans petition to cancel the game
2) Nintendo see this and think "Well looks like they don't want any Metroid games."
3) Nintendo then don't make anymore Metroid games
4) Nobody wins.

gg everyone

Also, this just in. 3DS emulation has progressed quite far. OOT3D is working, but runs very slow. 

Still, can't beat them screenshots.

That looks gorgeous
I think it's more of the idea that the fans want a new Metroid Prime game made by Retro. They did not like Other M and do not want any kind of spin off. They want Metroid Prime 4 made by Retro for the Wii U, or even a 3DS game akin to Metroid Prime Hunters.

I'm not defending them or anything, but that's what I've seen people argue about.
It's still weird, if you want a new main series title then you just wait. It's not like I go on a tirade when Capcom releases new Revelations instead of RE7. Hell, I'd be happy if they announced a new Operation game because that would just mean more games in a series I love.

What these people don't realize is that spinoffs are made to keep them occupied while waiting for the next major release. To have at least SOMETHING. Another thing they don't seem to get, and a point made by a few people on this thread already, is that sales in a series, no matter how minor the title, guarantees its continued existence. If the sales on a mere spinoff are good then holy shitballs, Batman, think of the sales we'd get from a major title!

This is like that time they released that dungeon crawling Silent Hill on the Vita. People were super angry about the mere fact that it was released because such a title "completely ruins a series forever". You would think there people are forced by gunpoint to buy the games or something.
The idea of "talking with your money" comes to mind. Instead of complaining that the Metriod spinoff has space marines in it, Sonic and friends look retarded, or DmC changed Dante's hair, you just don't buy the game which tells the company that we don't like the changes. This would mean that we MAY get them to fix it.

However, this also comes with a problem when we're talking about games that companys hate. If we don't buy the new Mario, Sonic, or Assassin's Creed, I'm sure that we would be fine for a game or two or five. If we did it to Megaman, Metriod, or F-zero, they may see it as no one wanting it any more. So it's buy the game we don't want or risk losing it forever. I believe this is one of the reasons people bought Shovel Knight (aside from it being a good game). People want more Battletoads and there is a hope that Rare will see this and make a new Battletoads. We buy what we want to see more of, but what is that backfires and we get more spinoffs based on the space marines and not Samus/Sylux/one of the new guys all by him/herself. I will say it again, I don't mind new protagonists if you can't tell a story with the one you have any more (Assassin's Creed) and Metriod could maybe use a new one, but I would like one and not four that look the exact same aside for color (which if it wasn't for it being an FPS, would make finding your character confusing as hell).

At this point, I have a wait and see mentality. If the game still comes out, I will wait to see more of it before I make a desision on wither or not to try it. It could turn out to be a great game with a great storiy that ties back into the main series and win game of the year. It just sucks that it's one of those games where you HAVE to buy it or you may not get a new main game.

Edit: Looking up Metroid Prime Hunters and had an idea they could have done to make fans happier. Put in the Bounty hunters from that game and put it on the Wii U. There were 6 other bounty hunters but the story can take place of Sylux's fall from the Federation. That way you can have the co-op in the game AND you have an extra player. This would help sell more copys then the Tom from Toonami look-a-likes.
So, I've been going through ICO on and off recently, but now I really want to finish it so I'll be playing it a lot, and I got to the puzzle where you need to use a block and the girl as counter-weights to a door and I just noticed something kinda hilarious.

You know how feminists go on about how games sometimes treat women as an object? Well I just LITERALLY used the girl as an object. I don't know why but the irony here is just odd.

Also, the way you grab her hand and force her to run with you, it seems really uncomfortable for the girl. I mean, it just seems like the kid is dragging her along which I guess he is meant to be doing, but it just seems so off in the game.

Also, the save theme is one of my favourite themes I've heard in video games.

Currently building an agricultural town along a river in cities skylines. Accepting applications for district names.
I know my computer has a terrible graphics chip that can't run beyond DirectX 8... but the Steam Summer Sale... it temps me. Oh God, it temps me.

If you want a good cheap update, try for an AMD card. I bought mine for £60 and I can play Crysis 2 on Ultra at 60fps outside of large areas.
Oh boy redoing The Last of Us again, Grounded+ with the intention of finding everything and to Platinum it.

All that's left to do is to finish the game on Grounded+, find the Firefly pendants, all artefacts, upgrade all weapons, upgrade Joel, find all the comic books, find and open all the shiv doors, engage in all the optional conversations, engage in the hidden jokes Ellie sometimes does in Pittsburg and find the training manuals. Oh, and play 24 more games of multiplayer.

I'm only doing it since it's simple. Just takes time.
I'm just gonna interject my post between your bullet points for this post.

-As for Xenoblade it is is a legitmate complaint. Again, Nintendo living in their Nintendo bubble from '95 where they think it's OK to release a game nearly a year after Japan much like they did with Pokemon in '95. They should've been working on the translation right away. What makes it worse is that the Wii U is region locked so we're forced to wait. I've played through many JRPGs in Japanese and would happily do the same with Xenoblade. What benefit to you is there for a game not coming out sooner?

I believe I already said that we want a working translation, have you seen SAO: Hollow Fragment? Would you want that that for Xenoblade? Complaining about region locks at the point when it comes to Nintendo is about as stupid as complaining about the lack of new IP's. It's Nintendo, and I doubt that is one of the things we'd be able to change their mind on. As for working on the translation at the same time, I don't see how that would have helped. They would have had more resources working on that and less on the game, so it might have taken just as long, if not longer because it would have made the team stretch even further. That's not a problem now. Also, this game, as popular as Xenoblade is, was always going to come out during the holidays in the West. It'll likely move some console's and sell one hell of a lot better for it, so this all seems pretty moot if you ask me.

- I love the Mario RPG series but was there any need for this? It's Nintendo just making random spin-off titles based on their games and themes. I'm sure it'll be fun but it proves Nintendo have little to no originality anymore or even know who their audience is at this point. Seen it and played it all before.

I think it has some originality to it. Having certain things that only paper Mario can do, or regular Mario can do, as well as combining their abilities at some points should create some interesting and unique gaming moments throughout the game itself. If it doesn't, than by all means we are allowed to be annoyed with it, but if it does, than the saying that you can mix two or more things old to make something new will ring true here. Besides, Nintendo isn't the only company that makes the same kinds of games every year. Ubisoft has been making the same game yearly, with the occasional spin-off since the start of the last generation of gaming, and I don't see a lot of complaints about that, unless the game comes out glitchy.

No point in bringing up Zelda again, but I still stand by the fact that Yokai is new for the west and won't spend anymore of my time on that.
(06-21-2015, 03:32 AM)Mass Distraction Wrote: Wheatchester.

done. Not happy with the city yet, but will post pics if it doesn't cave in on me before I'm satisfied.

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